Lee Personal Log - SCCapstone/CapstoneProject GitHub Wiki

April 24th, 2022

Met with Camryn and Roscoe Wednesday at 2:10 to work on the website for the Final Demo Video. Met with the group on Thursday to finalize and strategize for the weekend with the upcoming due date. Met with the group in person Sunday. I recorded the use-case/why the app is important/how issues would be solved without housemates. The very last thing I did was embed our Youtube video into our website page.

April 17th, 2022

Tested cola-web's site and added bugs found to their issues.

April 10th, 2022

Had to miss this week's meeting on Thursday. Met Sunday and dedicated this week to testing the other team's project per milestone.

April 3rd, 2022

Met with the team on Sunday and Thursday. I helped Camryn on her chores page. Made the assignee option as a dropdown to prevent any typos from users.

March 27, 2022

Did not do too much this week. Met team at both meetings.

March 20, 2022

Worked on issues for RC1. Met as a group and decided what we would work on for Sunday. My task was to move the Google sign-in button. Will continue to work through log in page aesthetics this week for Thursday.

March 13, 2022


March 6, 2022

Met on Sunday to finalize our Beta Release. Met on Thursday to talk about RC1 milestone. I need to move the Google Sign In Button to the middle of the Sign In box and make it clear that that is the only place to properly sign in. I also need to help Nico with the server and get the Alerts to pull only a few chores rather than all the chores.

February 27, 2022

Worked to finalize OAuth and make sure it works properly without bugs. Worked with Roscoe to display parts of DB on home-page. Worked with Nico to make sessions and not allow users to manually route to certain pages.

February 21, 2022

Figured out the google oauth and got it working and populating the database which is exciting. Next, I am working on collecting session tokens from google that will keep users from moving through the site if they're not logged in.

February 13, 2022

Still working through google sign in/up.

February 6, 2022

Met as a group on Sunday. Decided how to tackle our server issue. Nico got the server back up Wednesday and I met with my group on Thursday. I set up my account to access the server directly from my local and then we decided what needed to get done before our next meeting Thursday. The biggest thing was making sure users can correctly sign-in/up and stay authenticated while moving from page to page. This is assigned to me. I plan to integrate Google OAuth into the sign in/up page and then assign each user to their respective home with a randomly generated code. I will try and find a time to meet with Camryn on Sunday to see if she can help with any portion too.

January 30, 2022

Met on Thursday. I really honed in on deployment with Nico and Camryn. Spent from 5-9:30 watching videos/walking through tutorials. Still remained unsuccessful by 9:30 so decided to take a break and revisit. Ended up deploying Friday successfully with the database but only temporarily. Tonight, the 30th, we realized that our server had been exploited which ultimately resulted in it crashing. Tonight we met as a team and to troubleshoot this issue I'm going to reach out to Professor Vidal, officers from the Cybersecurity club, and a previous cybersecurity professor for guidance.

January 23, 2022

Accidentally missed the Sunday meeting. Met on Thursday. I individually researched testing methods.

January 16, 2022

I sent my updated schedule so that as a team we could find new meeting times. As a team, we will now meet Sundays at 6 and Thursdays at 5.

January 9, 2022

Got back to school. Didn't do much for this class but get organized.

January 2, 2022


December 26, 2021


December 19, 2021


December 12, 2021


December 5, 2021

Met as a team. Worked solely on deployment this week. Had a lot of trouble with setting up our database with Forge. The pages not set up with the database deployed perfectly, but really honed in on getting the database to work. Recorded my portion of the demo and the deployment portion of the demo. Continued on the database migrations after PoC through the weekend.

November 28, 2021

Schedules were too hard to find a common time. Decided to work individually this week. I need to catch up on database work and get the Google OAuth working for the PoC.

November 21, 2021

Met as a group Sunday. Worked on sign-in, sign-up pages. Need to get the google log-in embedded link to connect to the right OAuth I created. Need to also connect input given by user to database and encrypt password or at least not show input.

November 14, 2021

Met as a team. Touched base on any struggles. My main struggle was merging to the main branch because I was not first merging main to my individual branch. For the rest of the week I worked on the sign-in page and this week plan on implementing our database within the home/sign-in/sign-up pages.

November 7, 2021

Last week I was assigned to create one of the three pages I will make by the end of the semester. I finished the home page to look as it will during proof of concepts.

Oct 31, 2021

This week I made the legal issues page. Not a super busy week.

Oct 24, 2021

4 of us met on Sunday night to look over what we needed to do for the week. We all met Tuesday night and created our Source Control. Nico made the framework that we all then pulled into our separate GitHub branches. I created the universal navigation bar for our application in my branch. Once completed and happy with, merged with the main branch. This meeting mainly consisted of us troubleshooting our environment issues and any Git issues we faced. We also met Sunday night to make sure all of our deliverables were completed. I finished the Testing Technology. We also looked towards the next milestone and will meet Tuesday.

Oct 17, 2021

Individually worked on Laravel framework, PHP, and mySQL to make sure our environments are working. Friday night 4 of us met and finished our Architecture information. This week we will collectively create an app in our environments

Oct 10, 2021

Met with group on Sunday to touch base. Met Tuesday night to finish Requirements and PoC pages. My goal is to be done with my individual research portion Thursday night.

Oct 3, 2021

Didn't do much. Met on Sunday and Tuesday with my group. Plan on working through Research and Requirements this week. Started on my research looking into HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Made a demo with HTML, CSS and plan to incorporate JavaScript next week. My demo will welcome the user, ask for user's name, and print it out.

Sept 26, 2021

This week went hand-in-hand with last. Worked on a draft of the Home Page on Figma. Tuesday the group met to determine color scheme and layout of pages to create a cohesive application. Walked away from that meeting and create a final draft of the Home Page that aligned with the characteristics we discussed. Finished my page Tuesday night.

Thursday, Camryn and I decided to add three more pages: a sign in, sign up, and settings page. I created the Sign In page, Sign Up page, and helped Camryn with the Settings pages on Thursday and made it cohesive with other pages. Set a due date to have pages done in Figma by Friday night so that in our Sunday meeting we will just finalize our submission and look towards next week's deliverables.

Sunday night we met as a group and looked over the pages to make sure they were cohesive and decided the order in which the pages would be embedded. I embedded my final pictures of the pages and added the colors used on each page (colors correlate with those found on Figma).

We assigned pages to upload as follows: Lauren -- Sign in, Sign Up, Settings Information, Settings Roommates, Homepage. Nico -- Contacts. Camryn -- Settings Personal, Settings Socials, Settings Emergency, Calendar. Roscoe -- Chat. Colin -- Grocery.

Sept 19, 2021

Met with our group and assigned pages to work on for our prototype. Did not work much on my prototype page last week but will be working on it before Tuesday so that we can come together as a group and make each page cohesive and aesthetic. I am assigned the homepage so I'll be making the main landing page that will navigate to subpages.

Sept 12, 2021

Met in person Tuesday. Worked through ideas for our project. Decided to go with a roommate app. Creating 1 persona and 1 user story (Sam) for our project. Changed formats of User Stories to comply with rubric.

Sept 5, 2021

First group meeting. Previous week got in contact with all groups members, set up weekly times to meet (Sunday and Tuesday). Thought about ideas for group project but haven't chosen one. I added Milestones, the Team Organization Wiki Page, and Project Description Page