Camryn Reid Log - SCCapstone/CapstoneProject GitHub Wiki
April 24, 2022
I designed the website that will be used to show off the project. I worked with Roscoe and Lauren to make that GitHub page. I also edited the demo video to put everyone's pieces together.
April 17, 2022
I worked on testing the other groups project and began debugging based on the feedback our group was given.
April 10, 2022
I began looking at the other groups project for testing.
April 3, 2022
I worked on debugging and finalizing the design with Nico. Everytime I pushed, duplicate files were added so Nico pulled from my updates and pushed to main for me (so main wouldn't have duplicates).
March 27, 2022
This week I got a new computer and spent a good amount of the week trying to get the project set up on my new computer correctly. I also worked on testing the instructions with other people to see if they were easy to navigate.
March 20, 2022
This week I continued to work on the calendar pages instructions and the drop-down selection for the chores and grocery pages. I am working on the design currently.
March 13, 2022
This week our group worked on their individual pages. I have been working on making the chores list have a delete function and let the table be larger than 10 rows. Additionally, I am adding instructions for how to link their calendars.
March 6, 2022
This week I started to change the chores page design. I am working on having a drop-down menu to assign the person to the chore and assign a location.
February 27, 2022
I finished the design and table for the chores page. There was an issue with my commit to GitHub, so we had to roll it back and Nico helped to push it on his end.
February 20, 2022
This week we worked on getting the login working and I worked on the design portion of the chore page. Nico will be helping with the database portion of this page.
February 13, 2022
This week I worked on deleting the duplicate files I accidentally created and mapping out a chore page to use instead of the chat page.
February 6, 2022
This week I have been working on figuring out how to use Google for sign-in and how to link the calendar. Additionally, after looking at what we wanted from this webapp, we decided as a group to change the chat page to a chore page. Having a chore list is something that would benefit a lot of roommates more than a discussion page since most roommates will already have groupchats. I will be focusing on the front end design of this page with Colin, while Nico will be helping with the backend of the page to link to the database.
January 30, 2022
Once we found out that there were some attacks launched on our server, we had to take it down and redeploy the website.
The majority of this week I spent working on deployment as we have not been too successful in this area. Nico, Lauren, and I met a few times throughout the week to get everything figured out.
January 23, 2022
Reaching out to other teachers to find someone to help us work through deployment issues so we can do the testing milestone. Planning to meet with a teacher either Monday or Wednesday this coming week.
I have implemented using Trello to help our group stay organized this semester. We struggled with remembering the small tasks, so at the end of every meeting, we will be adding our new to-do items before we leave the meeting so nobody forgets anything and everyone can be more responsible for their part.
January 16, 2022
Collected the new semester schedules of everyone in the group to determine new meeting times. As a group, we have decided to meet Sundays at 6pm and Thursdays at 5pm. We will be trying to front-load the work for each week so by the Thursday meetings, we will be polishing the work and helping others finish what is required.
January 9, 2022
Talking with teammates about when our schedules will be lining up, people (including myself) are still figuring out classes/clubs/work schedules.
January 2, 2022
December 26, 2021
December 19, 2021
December 12, 2021
November 28th
I have been working on learning how to implement the database into the calendar and discussion pages. Additionally, I have begun research on how to include the google calendar implementation into the google authentication.
November 21st
This week I continued my work on the design pages for the calendar and discussion pages. Since so many of our group members will be unable to attend tuesday's meeting, we decided to cancel. I have also begun the research for databases and using Google authentication.
November 14th
This week I worked on creating the design pages for the calendar and discussion pages. During the Sunday meeting, we planned to begin the database work.
November 7th
This week I worked on fine-tuning the Calendar page, as this is one of my assigned pages. I also worked with Lauren a little bit on the universal top navigation bar.
October 31st
Today during the weekly Sunday meeting, Roscoe did not show up and did not tell anybody that he would be missing this meeting. Additionally, he did not show up to Tuesday's (10/26) meeting and only gave us an hour notice. At Tuesday's meeting, the other four of us finished the legal and security portion of this weeks milestone.
Additionally, on Tuesday, I realized that I could not add everyone to the Laravel Forge server using their individual accounts, so I created the account using a team login so that we could all access it. I also made sure that during Tuesday's meeting, we added .DS_Store to the gitignore and deleted Roscoe's CapstoneProject.vscode file.
October 24th
Our group met for our usual Sunday meeting. We ensured that we had met all of the deliverables for the week. The final assignment I had for yesterday was to set up an AWS Account and create a server in Laravel Forge. It took some trial/error, but I finally got it figured out. The only issue that has not been fixed yet is that our code does not have a composer.json file. We will be adding that file to the repository this week and then Forge should be completely set up.
October 17th
Our group met to finish looking over the architecture milestone today. On Friday, four of us met and finished it. We also used Friday as a checkpoint to make sure everyone was caught up with PHP, MySQL, and Laravel, as these were languages that were unfamiliar to us. We also bought a Laravel Forge account on Friday. We are planning on working on the next milestone during our Tuesday meeting.
October 10th
Our group decided to skip our weekly meeting this week as we had finished the Requirements milestone this past Tuesday and only had to work on the individual Research milestone. For the research milestone, I focused on HTML and CSS and how to use them to create a calendar and a checklist. These are two features that our website will heavily rely on, so I wanted to get a head start in learning how to implement these tools. I am feeling more confident in my HTML and CSS abilities, but am still struggling with JavaScript, so I primarily used open-source code and made it work for my project.
October 4th
Our group met again for our weekly Sunday catch-up and discuss our progress with the weekly milestones. We are almost done with the Requirements and are making progress with the Research milestone. I will be focusing on HTML coding for the research project. We decided to do a more in-depth check-in during our Tuesday meeting to show more of the progress.
September 26th
Today, we had a meeting to finalize our design for the screens. We ensured that everybody had followed the main color scheme and used consistent design throughout their pages. Once we finished the meeting, we were each assigned the task of screenshotting and adding information to the pictures for our respective screens.
Earlier in the week, Lauren and I decided to add a few additional pages, so we showed the group the pages we had added and talked about why we added them. We also decided to include screen shots of the color palettes we used when designing the wireframes.
September 19th
Today, we had a short meeting to discuss our progress with creating the different screens we had delegated. I was assigned the Calendar page, so I showed my initial draft and discussed with my group to determine what we did and did not like. We also talked about our color scheme and decided to all make color pallets before our next meeting so that we can determine what colors we like best. Finally, we decided that we would host our website on GitHub, at least for the beginning portion.
September 12th
Today, we met online to discuss the Personas and User Stories deliverables. Earlier in the week, during the Tuesday meeting, we had split up the deliverables so that everyone would have work to do. My contribution to the assignment was to add one User Story and one Persona.
During the meeting, we decided that on Tuesday, we would begin the design process while we are all meeting in person so that way we can all work together to determine our vision.
September 5th
Today, I met with my team members via Microsoft Teams for our first team huddle. In this meeting, we decided when we would meet and I set up the meetings on everyone's calendars. On Sundays, we will meet for the week at 7:00 pm and discuss what needs to be done for the coming week. On Tuesdays, we will have a working meeting at 7:30 pm to make sure people are on track to finish that week's goals before the due date. Sunday's meetings will be virtual, while Tuesday's meetings will be in person in Swearingen or 300 Main.
We began to assign some roles, however, are waiting until we have our project idea finalized before we decide who does what. We decided to wait partly because people have different strengths in different programming languages and it would make more sense to decide who does what once we know what we are doing.