Becker Personal Log - SCCapstone/CapstoneProject GitHub Wiki

September 5, 2021

Started personal log. Talked about ideas and interests for the project. Decided to email and wait for client list before committing to anything yet and decide on main idea once a response is gotten. Contact info and meeting scheduling was declared and agreed upon. Housekeeping meetings scheduled for Sunday 19:00 and in person group meetings for Tuesday 19:30.

September 12, 2021 14:48

We split up that I would do a persona and at least 3 user stories which I completed today. Created the Persona 1 wiki page and populated it with the persona of Brad and his goals. I also completed my 3 user stories.

September 19, 2021 19:14

Built a rough framework for my assigned page and discussed it with the group. I am building the contacts page. Decided to default the navigational menu to the top bar of our pages. Plan for Tuesday to have selected a few color palettes each and compare rough pages and combine for cohesion. I edited project description wiki to include our chosen technologies for how we will create and run the project.

September 26, 2021 22:05

I uploaded my edited and text annotated page design for the Contacts page. We made the page designs in a group Figma project and the images are screenshots. I also created an images folder to host screenshots on github for the group. I also edited the technologies section of the project description to reflect current research topics and planned technologies.

October 10, 2021 22:39

I uploaded my research portion of the project. I worked on using php and xammp with mysql to create a dynamic database that can be added to and drawn from within the webpage. I've created a few smaller iterations of the project but only the basic info one is uploaded because that's the one that contains all the necessary info to use and manipulate for later projects. We communicated and collectively uploaded our requirements info.

October 15, 2021 15:07

I created a list of schemas, urls, and queries for our current path. I also significantly familiarized myself with the Laravel framework so that I could organize the project and commit to how we will be designing the project. I was assigned a list of pages that will be my main focuses within the code as well.

October 19, 2021 10:03

Last night I uploaded the basic framework necessary for our project to work off of. This includes the primary view files stripped down and organized. As a group tonight we built and troubleshot our project together. We made sure that all of our computers could run the website. Everyone that was prepared with all of the software necessary also made sure that we could do the merge conflicts. I also started work on the readme. I finished most but for the testing apparatuses to be used.

October 29, 2021 17:06

Tonight we worked as a group on the Legal and Security wiki pages. Lauren typed the legal page and Colin typed the security page. Camryn and I gave ideas and contributions vocally on these pages. Roscoe was assigned the Ethical wiki page. He was also asked to at least pull the code and rid the project of unnecessary additions.

November 9, 2021

We met as a group and spent the first half discussing the firing situation directly with Roscoe. We detailed everything that he hasn't done this semester and what we have been expecting and having to do to compensate for his lack of effort. I don't know if any of that stuck, but I suppose that, given the 48 hour extension resulted in work being turned in, he won't be fired. We'll have a lot of organizing and personal handling ahead relating to this situation. The rest of the meeting we spent discussing our work for the coming week. We established and reinforced that while he had met last week's deadline, late, Roscoe would still have an equal if not greater amount of work due the rest of the weeks and this would have to be done on time. We set up for our next meeting on Sunday with the expectation that each of us would have fully completed our assigned pages graphically.

November 14, 2021 15:52

We had our Sunday catch up meeting today. I established that I had been primarily focusing on getting my pages designed visually and functionally for the main branch. I've now merged that branch and will be focusing on preparing for our Tuesday meeting. In that meeting we will attempt to, as a group, research and iron out the functionality of the database system and how it will work in our given webpages. This will involve reading from and writing to input boxes and external sections. We must all come prepared to do so without further styling work so we may all focus on database stuff.

January 20, 2022

We had our first Thursday meeting for the second semester. We established that our meetings would now take place Thursday at 17:00 and Sunday at 18:00. Our Sunday meeting will be longer to make up for the loss of time from having to move our main in-person meetings to Thursday. I contacted a professor and we're now trying to setup a meeting for Monday ideally or Wednesday at the latest. This should help us fill in the information and knowledge that we still lack in relation to deployment and database management. Camryn or Lauren will join the meeting as well. We also agreed to continue researching independently the testing process for the next assignment.

January 23, 2022

First Sunday meeting beginning at 18:00 was participated in today. We all gave updates on our research within unit testing. I've primarily been using Laravel docs on unit testing. We will also not be meeting Portia this Monday but most likely Wednesday now. I will look into scheduling that meeting with her on Monday if possible.

January 31, 2022

We met this Sunday virtually to discuss the current situation of the assignments and server. Roscoe and Colin had been tasked with completing the actionable portions of the testing milestone for this week while Lauren, Camryn, and I worked on the deployment of the website. I had succeeded in getting the server deployed on Friday. Saturday afternoon it went down and I've been attempting to figure out why since then. I eventually found an access log that relates to a known security vulnerability in phpunit. There was then data from the database that was output so I believe that the security vulnerability was successfully exploited. The server went down almost immediately after this attack was made. I've been trying to get the server back online since then with little to no success. I've since taken the server offline as it isn't displaying so it's not useful to be up and simultaneously it is being bombarded with attack attempts from various locations and given the unknown amount of success the last attack had I wanted to take some time to figure stuff out before it's put back up. We also discussed that we would focus on getting the server sorted out until Thursday when we would begin to build a timeline for the Beta release milestone.

February 3, 2022

We met in person. I walked everyone through getting connected to the server and completed the deployment. I also added everyone's public key into the server and created accounts for everyone that they could use to ssh into the server with without using the root account. After that we discussed and organized our schedule leading up to the second deployment milestone. We determined what everyone would do and that our focuses would start with getting user accounts and separate logins sorted first. I will be working on the database interactions side of the chores list while Camryn designs the graphical side of things.

February 6, 2022

Virtual meeting. We discussed everybody's progress today. We reaffirmed what everybody should be working on until our Thursday meeting in relation to implementing Google login and authentication. We are also all familiarizing ourselves with authentication and user sessions. As for today Colin volunteered to transcribe the beta release issues from our meeting notes into Github.

February 18, 2022

Lauren and I worked to sort out successfully the google sign in. I set out to create a basic local user for testing purposes.

February 23, 2022

I completed a basic local sign-in. I merge the contact db with the users db. I've designed and established user sessions and data. We can now apply user data into all of our pages independently.

February 27, 2022

Server deployed. Chores page database calls and css connections built in collaboration with Camryn. Sign in and home page built by Lauren and fine tuned by me with database interactions. I had to remove some database calls across the website to get the server deployed and reverted back to a working state. Roscoe built the settings pages. I finished the contact page and reworked it so that it calls based on the users id and room num. I implemented these reworked calls across the site and helped Colin implement the new calls into the shopping page.

February 28, 2022

Server broke at roughly 11:50 or so. I worked on it until around 2:15 and from 8:00-10:50. It is now back up and deployed. The CSS across the pages is horrendously broken and I'm not sure why. The files on the server match those locally, yet they still don't function identically. Still working on it.

March 17, 2022

The new server has been created and deployed. The old broken server may now be retired once we've moved the google sign in authorization to the new url and the domain name to the new IP. We will be meeting later today to discuss the recently approved RC1 release issues. Most of these issues are relatively minor changes. The chores and shopping list will be changed to a list of items that the user may grow or shrink to the desired size. This will take care of the undersized previous list. I still haven't figured out why the contact page didn't work in the scenario that Prof. Vidal had described as I've yet to succeed in replicating the issue.

April 3, 2022

Finished all issues in the project. Over the last week I figured out how to dynamically create, read, and store data for the chores and shopping table. Both tables now dynamically generate the tables that fill them with a value from the database. I successfully pulled the project onto the server after I'd finished the last modifications. I helped Camryn safely upload her portion of the project since her files had become corrupted in some way.

April 25, 2022

I fixed all of the bugs that had popped up. I set the urgency box to dropdowns. I fixed the bug where the dropdowns would wipe when a new one was added. I fixed the add/remove rows bug. I attempted to fix the login bug, but failed. Hopefully that bug is just a server side caching issue because I don't run into it often, but it happens occasionally. The final video was recorded yesterday and we're in the process of editing it down and formatting it.