Robot Overview - SAR-Research-Lab/R2ED_humanoid GitHub Wiki

The humanoid robot consists of a body torso with arms, hands, head, and a mobile platform. The German company Schunk makes the arms and hands and the mobile platform is a Ridgeback from Clearpath. The head can have a camera installed in the visor and the Ridgeback has a laser scanner. The robot can be simulated in Gazebo and Rviz.


LWA 4P 6 DOF Arm

Both arms are the Schunk LWA 4P models which use a CAN USB card for connectivity. right|100px


There are two types of hands for the humanoid: five digit SVH, and three digit SDH. The Schunk SVH is a five digit hand that mimics a human hand however it is complex to use. The three digit hand is the Schunk SDH and consists of two fingers and one thumb. The three digits are similar. right|100px right|100px

Ridgeback Mobile Platform

The Clearpath Ridgeback is an omnidirectional platform equipped with a front facing lidar. right|100px


The humanoid body is mounted on a adjustable backlift which is connected to the top of the Ridgeback allowing for height adjustment.


The neck joint is vertically adjustable.

Head Camera

The visor opening in the head can hold a camera such as a RGB or Kinetic camera for depth preception.

Transform Frame Tree

The fully formed Humanoid involves a large number of joints. To gain a better understanding of how the Humanoid robot is constructed download the very large TF frame tree(1.9MB)