Installation Docker - SAR-Research-Lab/R2ED_humanoid GitHub Wiki

The Humanoid simulation is available as a Docker image which contains the Github project files and allows Gazebo and Rviz to be run in an isolated environment. The Dockerhub repository is Sarlabdearborn under humanoid.

To Run the Docker Image:

Install Docker following the instructions at Dockerhub Setup.

Download the desired Humanoid image from Sarlabdearborn Dockerhub in the humanoid repository. For example, download the sarlabdearborn/humanoid:full_gazebo image.

To run the image the command will be along the lines of:

docker run -p 6080:80 --shm-size=512m sarlabdearborn/humanoid:full_gazebo

Open a browser window and visit the URL:

There should be a Ubuntu 18 Desktop shown. If not click on the "Connect" button.

Open a terminal window under System Tools -> LXTerminal

Update and upgrade installed packages:

sudo apt update

sudo apt upgrade

The Humanoid workspace is in the catkin_ws directory and the Wiki instructions for running the simulation can be followed.

For example, to launch the full robot:

roslaunch grasping_sim full_humanoid_gazebo.launch

To Build a Docker Image:

docker build -t sarlabdearborn/humanoid:full_gazebo .