SPIKE: IE11 handling - SAP/fundamental-styles GitHub Wiki

What CSS is currently being used in fundamental that is not supported by IE11

Changes Needed

How are other well developed libraries handling ie11? material ui? bootstrap?

  • materialui, bootstrap not using CSS variables

PostCSS config changes

'postcss-simple-vars': {
            unknown: function (node, name, result) {
                node.warn(result, 'Unknown variable ' + name);
            keep: true
'postcss-css-variables': {
    preserve: true

Steps needed

  • remove unneeded $fd-support-css-var-fallback from SCSS files
  • remove fundamentals-ie11 files
  • many missing colors need to be updated:
  • change npm run style:compile command, use node-sass inside of postcss as plugin after some things are done
  • run customscript.js through babel, or rewrite to ES5