Deploy (Release and Pre Release) pipe line description - SAP/fundamental-ngx GitHub Wiki

Merging To Master

To include every single change into master, you need to create Pull Request from Your branch to master. After whole pipe, the *-rc. version is incremented.

When branch is accepted, all of the commits are squashed this branch is merged to master.

After merging to master, the travis is triggered and runs ./ci-scripts/ script, which triggers in order(The rest is automatically):

  1. npm run std-version -- --prerelease rc --no-verify (This command increments the version of libraries RC)
  2. `git push --follow-tags ** (This command pushes new tags with incremented version to github)
  3. The build is added to queue on travis it can take some time, to start building, depending on actual queue length. Usually it takes about 15 minutes, to fully build, but it can be longer.
  4. All of the packages (so far core and platform) are published to npm with prerelease tag

Then the changes are presented in fundamental-ngx as prerelease tag and Also are merged to master branch.


When it's time to deploy it's only about running npm run release, then (The rest is automatically):

  1. After some checks the temporary branch is created.
  2. Creating of temporary branch, thanks to travis, triggers ./ci-scripts/ script.
  3. Temporary Branch is removed
  4. Release tag is added (npm run std-version) so for example (0.12.0-rc.30 is changed to 0.12.0)
  5. The branch with tags is pushed to github
  6. The build is added to queue on travis it can take some time, to start building, depending on actual queue length. Usually it takes about 15 minutes, to fully build, but it can be longer.
  7. All of packages (core / platform) are published to npm with public tag
  8. Documentation pages are deployed.

Then new version is available on npm. On running npm i @fundamental-ngx/core, the version of package is the new one. New documentation page is also refreshed.