0.45 Breaking Changes - SAP/fundamental-ngx GitHub Wiki

All deprecated inputs, interface properties, outputs, components and classes have been removed. Detailed list of the changes can be viewed below:

  • core: removed deleteButtonLabel and ariaRoleDescription inputs from fd-token, use coreToken i18n keys instead
  • platform: - removed avatarSrc and avatarTitle inputs from BaseListItem, which is parent for ActionListItemComponent, DisplayListItemComponent, FreeContentListItemComponent, ListGroupHeaderComponent, ObjectListItemComponent and StandardListItemComponent, use avatar instead
  • removed titleIcon input from BaseListItem, which is parent for ActionListItemComponent, DisplayListItemComponent, FreeContentListItemComponent, ListGroupHeaderComponent, ObjectListItemComponent and StandardListItemComponent, use icon instead
  • platform: removed stateType input from fdp-radio-button, use state instead
  • platform: removed stateType input from fdp-file-uploader, use state instead
  • platform: removed layout property from DynamicFormItemGuiOptions, use labelColumnLayout, fieldColumnLayout and gapColumnLayout instead
  • platform: removed labelLayout input from fdp-form-generator, use labelColumnLayout, fieldColumnLayout and gapColumnLayout instead
  • platform: - removed checked input from fdp-checkbox-group, use value input instead
  • removed checkedChange output, use valueChange output instead
  • platform: - removed isBinary input from fdp-checkbox, use tristate input if you need indeterminate instead
  • removed value input, use values instead
  • platform: removed change and indeterminateChange outputs, use checkedChange value instead
  • platform: removed deprecated userTitle input from fdp-feed-input, use platformFeedInput.userTitle i18n key instead
  • platform: removed deprecated collapseChange output from fdp-dynamic-page-header, use collapsedChange instead
  • platform: removed deprecated backButtonLabel input from fdp-action-bar, use i18n's platformActionBar.backButtonLabel key instead
  • core: removed deprecated hasTitle input from fd-toolbar, it is determined automatically now depending on the children or input, if there is a [fd-title] in content children or it has a title input, it will behave as explicitly said hasTitle would do before
  • core: removed deprecated TimeI18n class, use coreTime i18n keys instead
  • core: removed deprecated moreLabel and lessLabel inputs, use coreText.moreLabel and coreText.lessLabel i18n keys instead
  • core: removed expandOverflowText input from fd-tab-list and fd-item-expand, use coreTabs.tabListExpandButtonText i18n key instead
  • core: removed ariaLabelledby input from fd-switch, use ariaLabelledBy input instead
  • core: removed semanticAcceptLabel and semanticDeclineLabel inputs from fd-switch, use coreSwitch.semanticAcceptLabel and coreSwitch.semanticDeclineLabel i18n keys instead
  • core: removed mainActionTitle input, it is still there, just not as an input, use MenuItemComponent's title component text content instead
  • core: removed of property from CurrentShowing interface in pagination, use totalCount instead
  • core: removed fd-dialog-footer-button component and [fd-dialog-decisive-button] directive from core-dialog, use fd-button-bar instead
  • core: removed isTitle input from fd-bar-element
  • cdk,docs: - removed ThemesService, use new ThemingService from @fundamental-ngx/core/theming
  • platform,docs: - removed hintPlacement input, use hint.placement instead
  • removed hint.text, use hint.content instead
  • platform: type ControlState is removed from platform, use FormStates from cdk/forms
  • platform: input labelLayout is removed from fdp-textarea, use labelColumnLayout, fieldColumnLayout and gapColumnLayout properties instead
  • platform: input stateType is removed from fdp-textarea, use state instead
  • platform: input selectState is removed from fdp-select, use state instead
  • core: inputs decrementButtonTitle and incrementButtonTitle are removed from fd-step-input, use coreSplitter.decrementButtonTitle and coreSplitter.decrementButtonTitle i18n keys instead
  • core: input paginationItemAriaLabel has been removed from splitter, use coreSplitter.paginationItemAriaLabel i18n key instead
  • core: input expandButtonAriaLabel has been removed from split button, use coreSplitButton.expandButtonAriaLabel i18n key instead
  • core: type SelectControlState is replaced with FormStates from @fundamental-ngx/cdk/forms
  • core: interface ProductSwitchItem no more contains image property, use icon instead
  • core: method updatePopover is no more there in PopoverComponent, use refreshPosition instead
  • core: property directiveRef is no more there in PopoverComponent
  • core: directive fd-message-box-footer-button has been removed, use [fd-button-bar] instead
  • core: directive [fd-message-box-decisive-button] has been removed, use [fd-button-bar] instead
  • core: type MessageStates is not exported from core anymore, use FormStates from cdk instead
  • core: removed fullScreen property from dialog-config.class, use mobile instead
  • cdk: removed replaceMode from dnd directive, use dropMode instead, 'group' for true and 'shift' for false
  • platform: removed defineStrategyLabels from smart filter bar, use i18n capabilities instead
  • platform: - emptyTableMessage is removed from fdp-select-tab, use platformVHD.searchTableEmptyMessage i18n key instead
  • selectTabTitle is removed from fdp-value-help-dialog, use platformVHD.selectTabTitle i18n key instead
  • searchTableEmptyMessage is removed, use platformVHD.searchTableEmptyMessage i18n key instead
  • defineTabTitle is removed, use platformVHD.defineTabTitle i18n key instead
  • VhdSearchComponent is removed, use i18n capabilities instead
  • core: options, addContainerClass, additionalClasses are no longer there
  • core: removed inputTemplate input, use fd-input-group-input directive instead
  • core: removed ariaDescribedBy input, use native aria-describedby attribute instead
  • core: removed ariaLabel input, use coreProductSwitch.ariaLabel i18n key instead
  • cdk: removed dismissAll method, use hideAll instead
  • platform: removed grpheaderTitle input, use groupHeaderTitle instead
  • core: removed deprecated [fd-breadcrumb-link] selector from the link, use [fdLink] or [fd-link] instead
  • core: removed deprecated backgroundImage input, use image instead
  • core: removed collapsedItemMenuLabel, use coreShellbar.collapsedItemMenuLabel i18n key instead
  • platform: removed deprecated labelLayout input property. Use labelColumnLayout, fieldColumnLayout and gapColumnLayout properties instead
  • core: removed deprecated inlineHelpTitle from form-label, use inlineHelpContent instead
  • core: removed deprecated fd-inline-help-template input from the inline help, use fd-inline-help instead
  • core: removed deprecated dismissLabel input from the message strip, use coreMessageStrip.dismissLabel i18n key instead
  • platform: removed deprecated inputs, use i18n platformSearchField keys instead
  • core: removed deprecated inputs, use i18n coreUploadCollection keys instead
  • core: removed moreLabel and moreLabel inputs, use i18n capabilities instead
  • platform,docs: fdp-smart-filter-bar removal of the deprecated inputs, use i18n platformSmartFilterBar keys instead
  • platform: removed fdp-date-picker datepickerState input, use state instead
  • platform: fdp-date-picker removal of the deprecated inputs, use i18n coreDatePicker keys instead
  • core: - fd-pagination removal of the deprecated inputs, use capabilities of the i18n
  • fd-pagination removal of the deprecated method getPaginationObject, use paginationObject getter instead
  • core: - fd-pagination removal of the deprecated inputs, use capabilities of the i18n
  • fd-pagination removal of the deprecated method getPaginationObject, use paginationObject getter instead
  • platform: fdp-upload-collection removal of the deprecated inputs, use capabilities of the i18n

  • core: fd-datetime-picker removal of the deprecated inputs, use capabilities of the i18n

  • core: fd-date-picker removal of the deprecated inputs, use capabilities of the i18n

  • core: fd-carousel no longer has leftNavigationBtnLabel and rightNavigationBtnLabel inputs, use 'coreCarousel.leftNavigationBtnLabel' and 'coreCarousel.rightNavigationBtnLabel' keys of i18n

  • core: fd-alert is no longer available, use message strip alerts instead

  • platform: fdp-action-bar[contentDensity], fdp-button[contentDensity], fdp-object-list-item[contentDensity], fdp-standard-list-item[contentDensity], fdp-menu[contentDensity], fdp-menu-button[contentDensity], fdp-panel[contentDensity], fdp-search-field[contentDensity], fdp-split-menu-button[contentDensity], fdp-file-uploader[contentDensity], fdp-upload-collection[contentDensity], fdp-table[contentDensity], fdp-multi-input[contentDensity], fdp-list[contentDensity], fdp-slider[contentDensity], fdp-time-picker[contentDensity], fdp-textarea[contentDensity], fdp-switch[contentDensity], fdp-number-step-input[contentDensity], fdp-select[contentDensity], fdp-date-picker[contentDensity], fdp-checkbox[contentDensity], fdp-checkbox-group[contentDensity], fdp-combobox[contentDensity], fdp-datetime-picker[contentDensity], fdp-input[contentDensity], fdp-radio-group[contentDensity], fdp-radio-button[contentDensity], fdp-multi-combobox[contentDensity], fdp-input-group-addon-body[contentDensity], fdp-input-group[contentDensity], fdp-value-help-dialog[contentDensity], fdp-filter-single-select[contentDensity], fdp-filter-multi-select[contentDensity], fdp-filter-custom[contentDensity] selectors are removed, use [fdContentDensity] directive instead

  • platform: fdp-table-filter-rule[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • platform: fdp-form-group[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: [fdNestedList][compact], [fd-nested-list][compact] selectors are removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: input[fd-form-control][compact], textarea[fd-form-control][compact] selectors are removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-wizard-step-indicator[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-tokenizer[compact], fd-token[compact] selectors are removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-time-picker[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-time-column[compact], fd-time[compact] selectors are removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: [fd-tab-nav][compact], fd-tab-list[compact] selectors are removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: table[fd-table][compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-switch[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-step-input[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-split-button[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-shellbar-user-menu[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-select[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-radio-button[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-panel[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-pagination[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-multi-input[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-micro-process-flow[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-menu[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: [fd-list][compact], [fdList][compact] selectors are removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-input-group[compact], [fd-input-group-addon][compact], [fd-input-group-input][compact] selectors are removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-file-uploader[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-dynamic-page-title-content[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-datetime-picker[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-date-picker[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-combobox[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-checkbox[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-card[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-calendar[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: [fd-button][compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-breadcrumb[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-button-bar[compact] selector is removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: fd-action-sheet[compact], fd-action-sheet-body[compact], [fd-action-sheet-item][compact] selectors are removed, use [fdCompact] directive instead

  • core: [fd-bar][cozy] input removed, use [fdCozy] directive instead

  • core: fd-slider[cozy] input removed, use [fdCozy] directive instead

  • core: table[fd-table][condensed] selector is removed, use [fdCondensed] instead

  • cdk: [fdTruncate] and [fd-truncate] selectors are removed, use [fdkTruncate] instead

[fdTemplate] selector is removed, use [fdkTemplate] instead

[fdResize] and [fd-resize] selectors are removed, use [fdkResize] instead

[fdResizeHandle] and [fd-resize-handle] selectors are removed, use [fdkResizeHandle] instead

[fdRepeat] selector is removed, use [fdkRepeat] instead

[fnReadonly] selector is removed, use [fdkReadonly] instead

[fdOverflowListItem] and [fd-overflow-list-item] selectors are removed, use [fdkOverflowListItem] instead

[fdOverflowList] and [fd-overflow-list] selectors are removed, use [fdkOverflowList] instead

[fdOnlyDigits] and [fd-only-digits] selectors are removed, use [fdkOnlyDigits] instead

[fdLineClampTarget] and [fd-lineclamp-target] selectors are removed, use [fdkLineClampTarget] instead

[fdLineClamp] and [fd-lineclamp] selectors are removed, use [fdkLineClamp] instead

[fdInitialFocus] and [fd-initial-focus] selectors are removed, use [fdkInitialFocus] instead

[fdIgnoreClickOnSelection] selector is removed, use [fdkIgnoreClickOnSelection] instead

[fnFocusableList] selector is removed, use [fdkFocusableList] instead

[fnFocusableItem] selector is removed, use [fdkFocusableItem] instead

[fd-focus-key-manager-list] and [fdFocusKeyManagerList] selectors are removed, use [fdkFocusKeyManagerList] instead

[fd-focus-key-manager-item] and [fdFocusKeyManagerItem] selectors are removed, use [fdkFocusKeyManagerItem] instead

[fnDisabled] selector is removed, use [fdkDisabled] instead

[fnClicked] selector is removed, use [fdkClicked] instead

[fdAutoComplete] and [fd-auto-complete] selectors are removed, use [fdkAutoComplete] instead