2. Local Tests - SAP-samples/teched2022-AD265 GitHub Wiki

Test with Mocked Services

First, add some test data.

Kill cds watch, and in the terminal, create a file srv/external/data/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER-A_BusinessPartner.csv like so:

mkdir -p srv/external/data
touch srv/external/data/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER-A_BusinessPartner.csv

with this content:

Z100001;Harry Potter
Z100002;Sherlock Holmes
Z100003;Sunny Sunshine

Run cds watch again and check its ouput. You find the information about what's going on:

> init from ./srv/external/data/API_BUSINESS_PARTNER-A_BusinessPartner.csv
[cds] - mocking API_BUSINESS_PARTNER { at: '/api-business-partner' }
[cds] - serving IncidentsService { path: '/incidents' }

You see that

  • The external API_BUSINESS_PARTNER is mocked, i.e. served in the application although in production it would come from remote. This is because we haven't specified yet how to connect it to a real remote data source.
  • The CSV file with the mock data got deployed.

cds watch runs in a 'mock mode' by default. In production, this won't happen, as the application is started with cds run. See the documentation for how cds watch binds to services.

Go the home page of the application (the one listing all the service endpoints). You can now see the /api-business-partner service with all its entities under Service Endpoints.

Business Partner in endpoint list

Data is available at /api-business-partner/A_BusinessPartner.

Test with Separate Processes

There is also a possibility to run mocks in separate, but still local processes. We don't use it here in this tutorial, so check out the documentation for more.


In the next exercise, you will now connect the external service with the rest of the application's data model.