0. Getting Started - SAP-samples/teched2022-AD265 GitHub Wiki

In the following we describe how to get started with the Incidents Management application, which we use throughout the exercises.

Set Up SAP Business Application Studio

Follow these tutorials to

Open SAP Business Application Studio

  1. Start Google Chrome (BAS runs best with that browser)
  2. Open the URL of your SAP Business Application Studio subscription
  3. Log in with the your personal credentials
  4. Create a dev space of type Full Stack Cloud Application (might take a few minutes).
  5. Enter the dev space by clicking on it's title → a page like this appears:

Welcome screen in SAP Business Application Studio

Clone and Open the Project

Open a terminal (press F1, type New terminal, or use the main menu)

Open new Terminal SAP Business Application Studio

In the terminal, run:

cd projects

git clone https://github.com/SAP-samples/teched2022-AD265

Then open the project using the Open Folder command (F1 > Open folder). Select the cloned project folder projects > teched2022-AD265 like this and press OK:

Open project in SAP Business Application Studio

In the new workspace, again open a terminal, and run

cd incidents
npm install
npm add @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client
npm install -g @sap/cds-dk

This installs the necessary modules for the incidents application plus the SAP Cloud SDK HTTP Client, which helps with remote communication.

The cds command line tool is updated as well to the latest version.

Inspect the Application

Let's see what we got in the project. The conceptual domain model for this Incidents Management application is as follows:

  • Customers can create Incidents (either directly or via agents)
  • Incidents have a title and a Conversation of several Messages
  • Incidents are resolved through repairs, kept track of as scheduled Appointments of available Service Workers

Domain model

A condensed version in the CDS language is as follows:

entity Customers {
  name      : String;

entity Incidents {
  title        : String;
  customer     : Association to Customers;
  conversation : Composition of many {
    timestamp  : DateTime;
    author     : String;
    message    : String;
  repair       : Association to Appointments;

entity Appointments {
  start  : DateTime;
  end    : DateTime;
  worker : Association to ServiceWorkers;

entity ServiceWorkers {
  name         : String;
  appointments : Association to many Appointments;

Learn more about Domain Modeling in CAP

Now try the following:

  1. Find db/schema.cds in the file explorer
  2. Open it in CDS Text Editor.
  3. Alternatively, use Open with... > CDS Graphical Modeller in SAP Business Application Studio
Which entity is missing?

The Customers entity is missing at the moment.

Your Tasks

You task in the following exercises is to

  • Define Customers
  • Not as a 'normal' local entity, though
  • But as a projection on a remote entity of an SAP S/4HANA system
  • So that at runtime the customer data comes from the remote system
  • With as minimal load as possible to the remote system
  • Integrate it nicely into the rest of the data model

Run the Application

First things first, let's run the application. In the terminal, execute in the incidents folder:

cds watch

In the following exercises, always use the incidents folder as working directory in the terminal (unless stated otherwise). If you get errors like no model found, this usually means you are in the wrong folder.

In SAP Business Application Studio, wait for the little popup in the bottom right corner to appear. Click Open in a New Tab:

Open project in new tab

It might be that the new browser tab is blocked. If this happens, no worries:

  • Unblock future popups from this host. See the address bar for the little popup manager icon.
  • Press Ctrl+C in the terminal, and run cds watch again.

Tip: You can always open a running application's tab using the Ports Preview command. Use F1 and type Ports to find the command.

The application should have come up with an address like https://port4004-workspaces-ws-...applicationstudio.cloud.sap/ (if you work locally, this would be http://localhost:4004).

On the application's index page, go to Incidents → Fiori preview, which opens an SAP Fiori elements list page for the Incidents entity. It should look like this:

Incidents UI

With regards to the UI screens that you see here: this is not a tutorial on SAP Fiori. Instead, we use the minimal screens necessary to illustrate the relevant points. For a full-fledged SAP Fiori Elements application using CAP, see the SFlight application.


Now that you have a first version of the application running, continue to the first exercise.

Appendix: Start in VS Code

Alternatively, you may want to start in VS Code. Do it like so:

git clone https://github.com/SAP-samples/teched2022-AD265
cd teched2022-AD265/incidents
npm install
npm add @sap-cloud-sdk/http-client
npm install -g @sap/cds-dk
code .  # opens VS Code
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