Pre 2017 INRIX SQL Data Dictionary - SANDAG/INRIX-Datasets GitHub Wiki


manual lookup table of pre-2017 (2016?) TMC links and SANDAGs (2016?) highway network links

Field Description
[tmc_code] INRIX TMC network link ID
[hwycov_id] SANDAG highway network link ID
[overlap_length] length of the TMC link (feet) overlapped by the matched SANDAG highway network link


holiday date lookup table

Field Description
[date] date of the holiday
[holiday] text description of the holiday
[type] type of holiday (Observed, Actual, Residual)


INRIX speed dataset of one-minute pre-2017 data, only 2016 currently loaded

Field Description
[tmc_code] INRIX TMC network link ID
[measurement_tstamp] datetime of observation
[speed] current speed (mph)
[average_speed] typical historical speed (mph)
[reference_speed] free flow speed (mph)
[travel_time_minutes] travel time along segment in minutes
[confidence_score] confidence score
[cvalue] confidence value)


1-minute time period cross-reference

Field Description
[min1] 1-minute time period ID
[min1_period_start] 1-minute time period start
[min1_period_end] 1-minute time period end
[min5] 5-minute time period ID
[min5_period_start] 5-minute time period start
[min5_period_end] 5-minute time period end
[min15] 15-minute time period ID
[min15_period_start] 15-minute time period start
[min15_period_end] 15-minute time period end
[min30] 30-minute time period ID
[min30_period_start] 30-minute time period start
[min30_period_end] 30-minute time period end
[abm_half_hour] ABM half-hour time period ID
[abm_half_hour_period_start] ABM half-hour time period start
[abm_half_hour_period_end] ABM half-hour time period end
[min60] 60-minute time period ID
[min60_period_start] 60-minute time period start
[min60_period_end] 60-minute time period end
[abm_5_tod] ABM five time of day time period ID
[abm_5_tod_period_start] ABM five time of day time period start
[abm_5_tod_period_end] ABM five time of day time period end
[day] day time period ID
[day_period_start] day time period start
[day_period_end] day time period end


INRIX pre-2017 TMC metadata table

Field Description
[metadata_date] date of TMC metadata data
[tmc_code] INRIX TMC network link ID
[road] road name
[direction] direction
[intersection] intersection name
[state] state location
[county] county location
[zip] zipcode location
[miles] length of TMC network link (miles)
[road_order] ???
[shape] geometry of TMC network link in EPSG:2230