Report - SANDAG/ABM-Reporting GitHub Wiki


The report project contains SQL-objects to output general Activity-Based Model reporting metrics.

SQL Objects

Object Name Category Description
table valued function - SQL [report].[fn_resident_tourjourney_mode] intermediary object inline function returning list of all ABM San Diego Resident sub-model non-NULL unique tour journeys ([tour_id], [inbound_id]) with the calculated aggregate SANDAG tour mode appended
stored procedure - SQL [report].[sp_resident_homelocation_tripmode_share] mode share San Diego resident person trip and trip mode share of trips originating from the resident's home location
stored procedure - SQL [report].[sp_residentworker_worklocation_tourjourneymode_share] mode share San Diego resident person tour journey mode share of work purpose tour journeys
stored procedure - SQL [report].[sp_submodel_tripmode_share] mode share person trip and trip mode share for user-specified ABM sub-models
stored procedure - SQL [report].[sp_resident_vmt] VMT San Diego resident vehicle miles traveled (VMT) at a user-determined geographic resolution. VMT is assigned to either the resident's home or work location. Optional filter to select workers only and their work purpose tour VMT. Available at any geographic resolution present in the ABM database or can input a custom geography TAZ list.
stored procedure - SQL [report].[sp_vehicle_delay_per_capita] vehicle delay network vehicle delay (minutes) per capita

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