Federal 2020 Regional Transportation Plan (Archived) - SANDAG/ABM-Reporting GitHub Wiki

Federal 2020 Regional Transportation Plan (Removed following ABM 14.2.0 release)

The Federal 2020 Regional Transportation project contains SQL objects, a Python project, and a formatted Excel template. The main output product is a formatted and populated Excel workbook containing all Performance Measures used in the Federal 2020 Regional Transportation Plan.


File Description
enviornment.yml conda environment used to run Federal 2020 RTP python files
main.py orchestrator file used to populate Performance Measures Excel Workbook
pm7ab_auto.py script to output Performance Measure 7ab for auto mode
pm7ab_transit.py script to output Performance Measure 7ab for transit mode
settings.py settings file used to run Federal 2020 RTP python files


File Description
Scenario SDF Performance Measures_template.xlsx formatted Excel template to hold output from Performance Measures

SQL Objects

Object Name Category Description
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_3ab_pmt_bmt] BMT & PMT person and bicycle miles travelled
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_F] costs percent of household income consumed by transportation costs
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_5a_hf_transit_stops] intermediary object high frequency transit stops
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_7ab_destinations] intermediary object destinations at the MGRA level to be used in calculations for Federal RTP 2020 Performance Measures 7a/b
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_7ab_population] intermediary object population at the MGRA level to be used in calculations for Federal RTP 2020 Performance Measures 7a/b
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_G_transit_stops] intermediary object unique transit stops
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_update_pm_results] intermediary object updates all performance measures written out to the [fed_rtp_20].[pm_results] table
table - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[freight_distribution_hub] intermediary object series 13 TAZs defined as freight distribution hubs
table - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[particulate_matter_grid] intermediary object square representation of the San Diego region broken into a square polygon grid
table - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[pm_results] intermediary object table to hold results for 2020 federal rtp performance measures
table valued function - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[fn_particulate_matter_ctemfac_2014] intermediary object calculate link level particulate matter 2.5 and 10 emissions using emfac 2014
table valued function - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[fn_particulate_matter_ctemfac_2017] intermediary object calculate link level particulate matter 2.5 and 10 emissions using emfac 2017
table valued function - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[fn_person_coc] intermediary object ABM synthetic population with Community of Concern (CoC) designations
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_2a] mode share person-trips by mode with optional UATS zone and work purpose filters
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_particulate_matter_ctemfac_2014] particulate matter calculate person-level particulate matter 2.5 and 10 exposure using EMFAC 2014
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_particulate_matter_ctemfac_2017] particulate matter calculate person-level particulate matter 2.5 and 10 exposure using EMFAC 2017
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_6a] physical activity person-level time engaged in transportation-related physical activity
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_I] physical activity percent of population engaging in more than 20 minutes of daily transportation related physical activity
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_population] population ABM population by Community of Concern (CoC) and SB375
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_J] travel distance average person trip travel distance in miles to/from work by mode
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_A] travel time average peak-period person-trip travel time to work
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_B] travel time average person-trip travel time to/from tribal lands
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_C] travel time average person-trip travel time to/from Mexico points of entry
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_D] travel time average person-trip travel time to/from neighboring counties (Imperial, Orange, Riverside)
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_E] travel time average person-trip travel time to/from military bases/installations
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_H] travel time average trip travel time for Commercial Vehicles and Trucks to/from freight distribution hubs
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_1a] vehicle delay daily vehicle delay per capita
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_2b] VMT network VMT per capita
stored procedure - SQL [fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_3ab_vmt] VMT network vehicle miles travelled

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