stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_3ab_pmt_bmt] |
person and bicycle miles travelled |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_F] |
costs |
percent of household income consumed by transportation costs |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_5a_hf_transit_stops] |
intermediary object |
high frequency transit stops |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_7ab_destinations] |
intermediary object |
destinations at the MGRA level to be used in calculations for Federal RTP 2020 Performance Measures 7a/b |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_7ab_population] |
intermediary object |
population at the MGRA level to be used in calculations for Federal RTP 2020 Performance Measures 7a/b |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_G_transit_stops] |
intermediary object |
unique transit stops |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_update_pm_results] |
intermediary object |
updates all performance measures written out to the [fed_rtp_20].[pm_results] table |
table - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[freight_distribution_hub] |
intermediary object |
series 13 TAZs defined as freight distribution hubs |
table - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[particulate_matter_grid] |
intermediary object |
square representation of the San Diego region broken into a square polygon grid |
table - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[pm_results] |
intermediary object |
table to hold results for 2020 federal rtp performance measures |
table valued function - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[fn_particulate_matter_ctemfac_2014] |
intermediary object |
calculate link level particulate matter 2.5 and 10 emissions using emfac 2014 |
table valued function - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[fn_particulate_matter_ctemfac_2017] |
intermediary object |
calculate link level particulate matter 2.5 and 10 emissions using emfac 2017 |
table valued function - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[fn_person_coc] |
intermediary object |
ABM synthetic population with Community of Concern (CoC) designations |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_2a] |
mode share |
person-trips by mode with optional UATS zone and work purpose filters |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_particulate_matter_ctemfac_2014] |
particulate matter |
calculate person-level particulate matter 2.5 and 10 exposure using EMFAC 2014 |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_particulate_matter_ctemfac_2017] |
particulate matter |
calculate person-level particulate matter 2.5 and 10 exposure using EMFAC 2017 |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_6a] |
physical activity |
person-level time engaged in transportation-related physical activity |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_I] |
physical activity |
percent of population engaging in more than 20 minutes of daily transportation related physical activity |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_population] |
population |
ABM population by Community of Concern (CoC) and SB375 |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_J] |
travel distance |
average person trip travel distance in miles to/from work by mode |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_A] |
travel time |
average peak-period person-trip travel time to work |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_B] |
travel time |
average person-trip travel time to/from tribal lands |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_C] |
travel time |
average person-trip travel time to/from Mexico points of entry |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_D] |
travel time |
average person-trip travel time to/from neighboring counties (Imperial, Orange, Riverside) |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_E] |
travel time |
average person-trip travel time to/from military bases/installations |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_H] |
travel time |
average trip travel time for Commercial Vehicles and Trucks to/from freight distribution hubs |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_1a] |
vehicle delay |
daily vehicle delay per capita |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_2b] |
network VMT per capita |
stored procedure - SQL |
[fed_rtp_20].[sp_pm_3ab_vmt] |
network vehicle miles travelled |