Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan for 2021 (Archived) - SANDAG/ABM-Reporting GitHub Wiki

Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan for 2021 (Committed only to v14.1.1 release)

The CMCP 2021 project contains SQL objects, a Python project, a formatted Excel template, and an input csv defining the formatting in the Excel template. The main output product is a formatted and populated Excel workbook for each CMCP corridor containing all Performance Measures used in the Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan for 2021.

To run the project

  • Pull the ABM-Reporting repository from GitHub into your local environment
  • Update the file located in the python\cmcp_2021 folder to point at the correct SQL Server instance and database containing the cmcp_2021 SQL objects created by the cmcp_2021.sql file in the sql\cmcp_2021 folder and the correct SQL Server instance and database containing the GIS Performance Measures table
  • Update the file located in the python\rp_2021 folder with the desired path of the formatted and populated Excel workbooks for each CMCP corridor (ex. templateWritePath = "C:/Users/MyUserName/Desktop/")
  • Update the file located in the python\cmcp_2021 folder with the list of up to comparison scenarios IDs and their labels within the Regional Plan. See the file for examples and possible labels.
  • Use the environment.yml file located in the python\cmcp_2021 folder to create the cmcp_2021 Python virtual environment and set as the project interpreter
  • Run python\cmcp_2021\ from the top-level ABM-Reporting working directory


File Description class for all information and utilities relating to calculations of Access-based Measures
environment.yml conda environment used to run CMCP 2021 python files orchestrator file used to populate Excel Workbook for each CMCP Corridor class for all information and utilities relating to calculations of GIS Performance Measures settings file used to run CMCP 2021 python files


File Description
CMCP_PerformanceMeasures_Template.xlsx formatted Excel template to hold output from CMCP 2021 measures for each CMCP Corridor
CMCP_Template_Locations.csv csv file defining measures and formatting for the formatted Excel template

SQL Objects

Object Name Description
table - SQL [cmcp_2021].[cmcp_corridors] table to hold CMCP corridor metadata
table - SQL [cmcp_2021].[results] table to hold results for 2021 CMCP measures
function - SQL [cmcp_2021].[fn_destinations] destinations at the MGRA level used in calculations for access-based measures
function - SQL [cmcp_2021].[fn_hf_transit_stops] high-frequency transit stops by CMCP corridor
function - SQL [cmcp_2021].[fn_hwy_cmcp_xref] cross-reference of ABM scenario highway network links to CMCP corridors
function - SQL [cmcp_2021].[fn_mgra_cmcp_xref] cross-reference of Series 13 MGRAs to CMCP corridors
function - SQL [cmcp_2021].[fn_person_coc] community of concern population by CMCP corridor
function - SQL [cmcp_2021].[fn_transit_stops] transit stops by CMCP corridor
stored procedure - SQL [cmcp_2021].[sp_bmt_pmt] bicycle and pedestrian miles travelled by CMCP corridor
stored procedure - SQL [cmcp_2021].[sp_commute_time] average commute time by mode by CMCP corridor
stored procedure - SQL [cmcp_2021].[sp_link_vmt] vmt and vmt per lane mile by CMCP corridor
stored procedure - SQL [cmcp_2021].[sp_mode_share] mode share by CMCP corridor
stored procedure - SQL [cmcp_2021].[sp_physical_activity] percentage of population with >= 20 minutes of physical activity by CMCP corridor
stored procedure - SQL [cmcp_2021].[sp_resident_vmt] San Diego resident VMT per capita by CMCP corridor
stored procedure - SQL [cmcp_2021].[sp_vehicle_delay_per_capita] vehicle delay (minutes) per capita by CMCP corridor
stored procedure - SQL [cmcp_2021].[sp_vhd] vehicle hours of delay (vhd) by CMCP corridor

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