Meeting Policies and Procedures - SAA-SDT/TS-EAS-subteam-notes GitHub Wiki

Meeting Structure

TS-EAS meets quarterly with the full membership.

  • 3 virtual meetings: video conference calls arranged and scheduled by the co-chairs and secretary
  • 1 in-person meeting at the SAA Annual Meeting: usually day-long, ending just before the Standards Committee meeting

Virtual meeting times are arranged according to availability of the membership. Participation in meetings is essential. If a member cannot make a virtual meeting, notification should be sent to the co-chairs and secretary.

In-person meetings are scheduled by the co-chairs through SAA channels in the months leading up to the Annual Meeting.

Most activities of TS-EAS occur in sub-teams. TS-EAS members attend virtual meetings of their sub-teams throughout the calendar year, with frequency and duration to be decided by the sub-team depending on their needs. See the Sub-Teams and Charges page for more information.

Participation Requirements

  • It is expected that every TS-EAS member be able to attend at least two committee-wide meetings per year.
  • Each TS-EAS member is also expected to join one sub-team. Participation in more than one sub-team is permitted, but that is certainly not expected due to the time commitment.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the quarterly meetings of the whole TS-EAS, taken by the secretary, will be made available through GitHub, and on the TS-EAS shared Google Drive.

Minutes and working documents from each of the sub-teams will be made available through GitHub, and on the TS-EAS shared Google Drive.