S4 ‐ Sprint 2 ‐ Business questions - S3-G31-Kotlin-QueueHub/mobile-app-android GitHub Wiki

Implemented BQ

We have decided to implement these three diferent BQ's for this sprint:

BQ 2.4

Question: What are the most common places visited by the user in the last month?

Justification: Knowing the places most visited by the user allows the user experience to be personalized and improved. In this way, the application can show the user places that they may find pleasant. Also, this can improve the satisfaction level of the user.

Implementation: In the home screen of our app, we decide to put depends on the user authenticated, the most common places by this user. The information also comes from backend services which calculate the most common places by each user.

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BQ 2.2

Question: What are the establishments with the less time to wait in line in the last hour?

Justification: This question is categorized as type 2 because it wants to enhance the user experience by knowing the establishments with the least recent time, the application can suggest these places to the user.

Implementation: In the recommended tab on our app, we decided to show to user the establishments with less time to wait in the last hour, the information of places that have the less time in the last hour come from a backend service.

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BQ. 2.3

Question: What are the times of day when queue times are the shortest at a particular establishment?

Justification: This question is useful in terms of improving the user experience. Through the information collected, the user can make better use of their time, as they can check in the app the best time to go to a certain establishment based on the waiting time in the queue.

Implementation: In the detail view, we have useful information about a place/restaurant. One of those is the information of when is the main frame hour in which the store has less people in queue. This information has the label of "Best arrival time"

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