S3 ‐ Eventual connectivity strategies - S3-G31-Kotlin-QueueHub/mobile-app-android GitHub Wiki

Our eventual connectivity strategies ensure a good user experience, even in offline scenarios:

  • In authentication, if you don’t have an internet connection, you won’t be able to use the application. However, the application displays an error message and also saves the information that the user entered in the text fields for authentication.

  • In recommended places, if you don’t have an internet connection, the last recommended places managed by the user will be shown, as the application saves this information in local storage.

  • On the profile screen, if you lose connectivity, the locally stored data will be used to display the user’s information. This happens because the data is stored in Local Storage via Preferences when the user logs in.

  • On the Detailed Screen, information about places is shown in offline situations. The data was stored when there was connectivity in Local Storage, so it can be accessed to view place information.

  • When a user is in a queue, the app saves the turn state and sends a notification to inform the user that the app lost connection. The state will be updated when connectivity is restored.

  • In the feature for waiting for a turn in a queue, the app saves the user’s current position in the queue and notifies the user that the connection was lost, asking them to reconnect or go to the establishment to review their turn.