Implemented Features - S3-G31-Kotlin-QueueHub/mobile-app-android GitHub Wiki
Implemented Features
The development and implementation of the following functionalities can be find in the mobile-app-android repository. This is the list of the implemented features in this sprint:
- User login and authentication.
- Common places of the user and home view.
- Know the average queue time and establishment view.
- See the establishments with the less time to wait in line in the last hour.
- Get and show the times of day when queue time are the shortest at a particular establishment.
Functionality 1: User login and authentication.
This feature uses an external service. The user can enter his/her email and password through the login screen. An external service will be used to check if he/she is a valid user. This provides security for our application, and also offers an easy way for users to become part of QueueHub and have additional information about them, such as their most frequented places, or recommendations based on other parameters.
Functionality 2: Common places of the user and home view.
In this feature we can find the main view that the user will see after having authenticated. This is where the user will be able to see the places that he has visited the most in the last month. In addition to this, this feature could be considered a CAS feature. Given that from the user's location data obtained, we seek to improve our system so that the user has much easier navigation within the application. This feature also makes use of an external service.
Functionality 3: Know the average queue time and establishment view.
This feature is very helpful for the user. It allows them to know how long it can take to wait in a certain line at a certain location. This is a smart feature, since it seeks to emulate human behavior in a certain way. It also tries to improve the user experience through the data we collect. So we perform an analysis of the data, allowing us to provide the average waiting time in line to the user. This feature can be seen on the detail screen of an establishment.
Functionality 4: See the establishments with the less time to wait in line in the last hour.
This feature provides recommendations for establishments. This is very helpful for the user, since if they are short on time, it allows them to find places with the shortest waiting time. It can also be considered a CAS feature, since if there is no internet, the application will show places that are stored locally while the connection is being restored.
Functionality 5: Get and show the times of day when queue time are the shortest at a particular establishment.
This feature allows users to know which time of day will be the best time to go to a certain establishment. Here we seek to improve the user experience. In addition, we use an external service. It could also be considered a smart feature since through data and a previous analysis we can determine this information.