Home - S0nix12/GameCodersToolkitExtension GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the GameCodersToolkitExtension wiki!
This wiki is meant as a usage description of the Extension and its individual parts. Currently the Extension has four different modules:
Quick Attach This simple module adds a optional toolbar to Visual studio which allows to quickly attach to processes containing certain names
Data Reference Finder This module allows to define data locations and parsing descriptions which are used to scan these locations for Data Entries in them. The found entries can be viewed in a Data Explorer. A main feature is that if those entries reference in code defined indentifiers (for example guids) you can search for all Data Entries which reference those code defined identifiers.
File Template Creator This module allows to create new files based on defined templates and add them with CMake projects easily.
Auto Data Exposer This module allows you to automatically generate metadata code for a selected function. A typical usecase would be the registration of a function to a reflection system or a scripting language.