Task 1: Assign weights to the objectives

Sl.no Objectives Weights
1 User-friendly 4
2 Semi-automatic 5
3 Lightweight 8
4 Heat-resistant 6
5 Convenient assistance 9

Task 2: Pugh chart for the alternate designs

Sl.no Objective Weights Design-1 Design-2 Design-3 Design-4 Design-5
1 User-friendly 4 Datum + - ++ 0
2 Semi-automatic 5 Datum - - 0 +
3 Lightweight 8 Datum ++ + + 0
4 Heat-resistance 6 Datum - + + -
5 Convenient assistance 9 Datum 0 - + +
score(+) 0 20 10 31 14
score(-) 0 11 18 0 6
Total score 0 9 31 8

5.1 : Justifications of the allocated score

Design no Objective Score allocated Justification of the score
user- friendly 0 datum
semi-automatic 0 datum
1 lightweight 0 datum
heat-resistant 0 datum
Convenient assistance 0 datum
Design no Objective Score allocated Justification of the score
user- friendly 1 it is more user friendly than datum
semi-automatic -1 it is not as semi automatic as datum
2 lightweight +2 it is more lightweight than datum
heat-resistant -1 it is not as heat resistant as datum
Convenient assistance 0 it is as convenient as datum
Design no Objective Score allocated Justification of the score
user- friendly -1 it is not as user friendly as datum
semi-automatic -1 it is not semi automatic
3 lightweight +1 it is more light weight than datum
heat-resistant +1 it is more heat resistant then datum
Convenient assistance -1 it is not as convenient as datum
Design no Objective Score allocated Justification of the score
user- friendly +2 it more user friendly
semi-automatic 0 it is more semi automatic than datum
4 lightweight +1 it is not light weight
heat-resistant +1 it is more heat resistant then datum
Convenient assistance +1 it is more convenient than datum
Design no Objective Score allocated Justification of the score
user- friendly 0 it is not very user friendly
semi-automatic +1 it is more semi automatic than datum
5 lightweight 0 it not light weight
heat-resistant -1 it is not as heat resistant as datum
Convenient assistance +1 it is more convenient then datum

5.2 : Selected design





Subsystem list

sl.no subsystem
1 Performing arti unit
2 Ringing belt unit
3 Indication unit

Interaction details

subsystem 1 subsystem 2 subsystem 3
Spatial yes no
Data no yes
Material no no
subsystem 2 subsystem3 subsystem 1
Spatial no yes
Data yes yes
Material no no
subsystem 3 subsystem 1 subsystem 2
Spatial no no
Data no no
Material yes yes