3. PROBLEM DEFINITION - S-Division-2022-2023-Odd/Repo-02 GitHub Wiki



01 What about the weight of the bot? It should weigh less than two kilograms.
02 What will be your budget? It should not exceed 4000rs
03 Should the bot make patterns on its own? The bot should be able to make patterns on its own
04 How will the bot be used? It will be used for getting symmetrical patterns.
05 Under how much time you want us prepare the bot? Within three months.
06 What age group of children is targeted use? 5 to 14. (The bot should be safe and should not have any sharp edges)
07 Should the bot be portable or fixed at a place? The bot should be easily portable.
08 How would you want the bot to indicate you the completion of process? It should have an indication means.
09 Should there be space provided for the pen? Yes, There must be a pen holder.
10 On what materials the pattern can be drawn? On sticky paper.
11 What about the size of the bot? It should not exceed 15x10x6
12 How long does it take to draw a pattern? Less than one minute.
13 Is the bot user-friendly? Yes, it must be user friendly.
14 The bot should be fully automatic or semi-automatic? It should be semi-automatic.
15 Should the bot be able to sense the paper? Yes, the bot should be able to sense the paper.


Sl NO Objectives
01 Safety
02 Portable
03 User friendly
04 Semi automatic
05 Symmetrical pattern


To design a semi-automatic pattern drawing bot which should be portable, durable, safe and user friendly so it can be used by almost anyone. it can draw patterns on the sticky paper.


Sl NO Constraints
01 Within 4000rs
02 Less than 2 kgs
03 Time limit - 3 months
04 Dimensions - 15x10x6
05 Less than a minute to draw a pattern


To design a semi-automatic pattern drawing bot which should be portable, durable, safe and user friendly so it can be used by almost anyone. it can draw patterns on the sticky paper. It should not cost more than 4000. It should not weigh more than 2 kilograms. The bot should be prepared under 3 months. The dimensions should be 15x10x6. It should take less than a minute to draw a pattern.


Sl NO Functions
01 Should make pattern on it's own
02 Indication for completion of process
03 Pen holder
04 Sense paper


To design a semi-automatic pattern drawing bot which should be portable, durable, safe and user friendly so it can be used by almost anyone. It should not cost more than 3000. It should not weigh more than 2 kilograms. The bot should be prepared under 3 months. The main dimensions of the bot should be 300mm x 200mm. It should take less than a minute to draw a pattern. It should make multiple patterns on its own. The bot should consist of a pen holder.