8. EMBODIED ENERGY CALCULATION - S-Division-2022-2023-Odd/Repo-01 GitHub Wiki

Embodied energy : Sum of all energies required to produce goods or services. The concept is usually helpful in determining the efficiency of energy producing or energy saving devices. It also helps us to map the greenhouse emissions and check whether a product is contributing to global warming or not.


  1. Volume of cuboid = length X breadth X height
  2. Volume of cylinder = pi X pow(r,2) X h
  3. Total volume = Volume of individual X Quantity
  4. Density = mass/volume
  5. mass = density X volume
  6. Total mass = mass of individual item X quantity
  7. Net embodied energy = unit embodied energy X total mass


  1. Height , depth and thickness are used synonymously
  2. Width and breadth are the same terms
  3. Calculations are done in SI units only
  4. Si unit for length, width, thickness and radius is metres.
  5. Si unit for density is kg/m^3
  6. SI unit for mass is kg
  7. Si unit for unit embodied and total embodied energy is MJ/kg usually

Densities in kg/m^3

  1. Foam board : 320-800
  2. Acrylic sheet : 1200
  3. Aluminium : 2710
  4. Steel : 7750-8050

Calculation table

embodied 2


  1. Alternatives to foam sheet is Rock wool board with an unit embodied energy of 31 MJ/kg. Brown in fibre glass is also and alternative Rock wool board


  1. Alternatives to acrylic sheet inclue polycarbonate sheet with an unit embodied energy of 100MJ/g and recycled acrylic sheet with 115MJ/kg. They both are eco friendly. Polycarbonate sheet:


  1. Alternatives to L-clamps can be pollywood, marble clamps and glass

    Pollywood --- 15MJ/kg

    Marble clamps -- 3.3 MJ/kg

    glass --- 16 MJ/kg

Marble clamps:

marlble clamps

  1. Alternatives to aluminium c channels include tin c chaneels with an unit embodied energy of 155 MJ/kg or steel C channels with 35MJ/kg Steel - C channel:

steel c channel

  1. Alternatives to nuts and bolts include adhesives and rivets.

Rivets have unit embodied energy of around 40-50 MJ/kg way less than aluminium.

rivets :


  1. Alternatives to U-clamps include Tin U-clamps, Steel u-clams which have unit embodied energy of around 30-38 MJ/Kg