Editing maps - Ryue/RedEyesDungeonCrawlerEngine GitHub Wiki

All maps are in the Data/Maps folder and in .csv format.

A new map can easily be added by just adding a new .csv file.

Each map cell represents a cell into which the player can walk into (or not if it is blocked). The cells are separated from each other by semicolons.

Each cell contains the complete data that is needed to display the content of the cell and must adhere to a specific format:


Each of the letters above stands for a digit that represents specific data. Thus if a specific number is too low so that it would fill all digits it needs to be filled with 0. Thus if the background images number would be 11.png then the representing number must be 011.

  • BBB....Number of the background image (currently 001)
  • TTT....Number of the tiles
  • CCC....Max number of animations (currently 000)
  • VVV....Visibility rating (from 0-100)
  • PPP....Special effects (000 for no effect, 001 for a fog like effect)
  • LLL....Blocking mode (currently 000 for not blocked or 001 for blocked, thus the player can or cannot enter the cell)
  • EEE....Event number that is raised as soon as the player enters the cell

Using the new maps is easy as they only need to be set to be used by calling: dungeonCrawl3DEngine.viewCurrentMap = "MyNewMapName" (without .csv added). What is important to keep in mind here is that the upper left cell has the coordinates x 0 and y 0.