Parent Product Model - RyanMarinoff/ISW-Prism GitHub Wiki

Parent products are the top-level products that are seen by the users while using the Volusion website. This is where nearly all information for SEO and descriptions will be the most important. ParentProduct is derived from Product and IEquatable<ParentProduct>. This is so that a comparison between products can be made.


Description Type Field CSV Name
List of Child Products assigned to the shoe [List] ChildProducts ischildofproductcode
HTML of product description [string] Description productdescription
Determine if seen on home page [bool?] OnHomePage homepage_section

Keywords for SEO is no longer to be used. The upload file should blank this out.

Description Type Field CSV Name
Keywords for SEO [string] MetaTagKeywords metatag_keywords


There are a number of overrides that are required to make all aspects of the class flow well.


This will return a string containing the item's ID and Name formatted as:

ID: [ID] - [Name]


This will hash only the ID of the ParentProduct, not the whole class. All data associated with the product does not constitute a different product. Only the ID.

Equals and comparison operators

As with the hash code, the Equals and comparison operators only associates the ID to the product.