Category Model - RyanMarinoff/ISW-Prism GitHub Wiki

Categories are used to determine how the products are displayed and organized on the site. For purposes of this application, the Categories are used to determine multiple aspects of product use and need. This model will need the most work to stream-line. Currently this is just a data-dump.

Description Type Field CSV Name
Category ID [int] ID categoryid
Category ID of Parent Category [int] Parent parentid
Name of Item Category [string] Name categoryname
Display Order Prevalence [int] DisplayOrder categoryorder
Is the category visible [bool] Visibility categoryvisibile
Alternate URL for Category [string] AlternateURL alternateurl
SEO title [string] MetaTagTitle metatag_title
SEO Description [string] MetaTagDescription metatag_description
Is this a filter category [bool] FilterCategory filtercategory
Short description of the Category [string] DescriptionShort categorydescriptionshort
Category Description [string] Description categorydescription
SEO Keywords (should be blank) [string] MetaTagKeywords metatag_keywords
The secondary description located below the product [string] DescriptionBelowProducts categorydescription_belowproducts
Custom SQL Filter [string] CustomWhereClause custom_where_clause
Is the category hidden [bool] Hidden hidden

The following fields may or may not stay. The ones starting with '??' are the most questionable of purpose and intent.

Description Type Field CSV Name
?? How many rows to be displayed [int] DisplayRows display_rows
Display "List Price" [bool] DisplayListPrice display_showlistprice
Display "You Save" [bool] DisplayYouSave display_showyousave
Display "Description Short" [bool] DisplayDescriptionShort display_showdescriptionshort
Display "Availability" [bool] DisplayAvailablility display_showavailability
Display the featured products only [bool] DisplayFeaturedProductsOnly display_featuredproductsonly
?? Default sort by [string] DefaultSortBy default_sortby
Category URL Text [string] LinkTitleTag link_title_tag
Graphic Placement [string] GraphicPlacement category_graphic_placement
Number of subcategory display columns [string] SubCategoryDisplayColums subcategory_displaycolumns_responsive
SubCategory Display Mode [int] SubCategoryDisplayMode subcategory_displaymode1