Lab Assignment 5 (Mean Stack Application) - Ruthvicp/CS5551_team_11-2_labassignments GitHub Wiki

Objective : To create an application using mean stack having 1)Login and register pages 2)Mongo db 3)Home page 4)Node module related to project 5)Good UI

Submitted by

Member 1 : Ruthvic Punyamurtula

Class Id : 30

Member 2 : Navya Ramya Sirisha

Class Id : 26

1. Login and Register Pages

Create a login page for the existing user. When user login details are entered into html page and on click submit, app.get() is used to connect to mongodb using connect. Then the credentials are validated with those present in the collection of mongo db. On successful validation user is directed to home page.

The code snippet for finding the user is given below

GUI of login Page

For a new user, a register page is created. The details of the new user are stored into mongo db collection using the where connection to Db is made and InsertOne() is used to add the details.

Code snippet for adding the user is given below

GUI of register page

Once the user is registered, he is redirected to login page. Now login with the previously created user as shown below


In order to install mongo db dependency, go to project directory and give the below command

npm install mongodb --save

We are using mongo db to store, retrieve the user data. user credentials are stored in the mlab doc as shown below

Also using the same database, we will demostrate update/delete and other CRUD operations on user data.

3.Home Page

In the home page, we will display the user list and perform update and delete operations using REST services. (For this we have referred to tutorial on CRUD operation using angular js at

Updating the user - last name

Once the details are updated, user is indicated with an alert message as shown below

Also verify the updated information in mlab doc

Code snippet for update is given below

Now let us perform the delete operation on a user indicated with the tick mark

Verifying the data removed from mlab doc as well

Code snippet for delete is shown below

This completes our crud operations on user details with read/insert/update/delete/

4.Node module

Here the requirement is to use any node modules that is relevant to the project work. So we are using google-charts node modules. Users can also use any of the other node modules for charts available at

To add this module to your project repository, follow the below image

We have stored the shopping trends data in the mlab document, which we will be using to build the chart for data visualization. The doc is shown below

Home page itself includes the built google chart - here a pie chart as shown below

5. Good UI

We have followed the requirements and built the application using good css styles for the login/register/home pages respectively. Home page shows user data and the shopping trends of the users based on the stored information. CSS file can found in the project repository.
