Lab Assignment 4 - Ruthvicp/CS5551_team_11-2_labassignments GitHub Wiki

Objective : To create an android app using ionic framework. App should contain 2 web services and any cordova supported plugin.

submitted by

Member 1 : Ruthvic Punyamurtula

Class Id : 30

Member 2 : Navya Ramya sirisha

Class Id : 26

Features :

1. Login and Register Pages

Created login and register pages in ionic framework. Validations made in JS for the register page and Login page. On successful login, user is taken to home page.

2. Home Page

The home page has to consist of any two web services (api) which are related to project purpose. Application should have a cordova plugin installed and supported by the app. Here we have put bar code scanner, image finder based on location and image classifier.

Image finder

Image Classifier

Code snippet for classifier is shown below

3. Test case

Installed karma - jasmine frame work into project to run unit tests

Note : In case karma fails to install, remove any http proxy set to the node.

4. Cordova plugin

Installed cordova camera plugin and geo-location to support the api as well as bar code scanner.

read bar-code is displayed in the alert

5. Performance using Yslow

Added yslow extension to chrome and ran the performance test

6. Deployed to Android device and also to the android emulator

The same is covered in the above screen shots

7. Good UI

  • Created login and register pages and added css styles and JS input validations

  • image finder uses vertical frames and filtering option

  • barcode scanner uses alert to display the read code