Lab Assignment 1 - Ruthvicp/CS5551_team_11-2_labassignments GitHub Wiki

Lab assignment 1

submitted by

Member 1 : Ruthvic Punyamurtula

class id : 30

Member 2 : Navya Ramya Sirisha

class id : 26

Team : 11-2

1) HelloWorld app in android studio

We created a helloworld app in android studio. The app was developed in 3 milestones and 6 issues in increments. The first increment was to use android studio to create a basic helloworld app. The code snippet is given below

Then enhancements were done to improve the look and the UI of the app in increment 2. The snippet here shows how an image is added and located relative to the text above it.The image was added to the drawable section of the project.

In increment 3, the back ground colors were modified and the application was tested on an android mobile. Also, a virtual device was created and the application was run on it. The output screen shot is given below.

2) Created source and destination folders under "CS5551_team_11-2_labassignments" repository

Added ICP partner as collaborator and made this as a shared repository. Contribution and commits by each person are shown in the contribution chart

3) Created 3 milestones and 6 issues in Zen Hub

Below images show the burndown chart for each increment

Increment 1

Increment 2

Increment 3

The image below shows 6 issues that were closed in increments

4) Contribution chart for lab assignment 1

contribution by

Ruthvic : app enhancements in increment 1, image in increment 2, over all source code

Sirisha : initial app design, colors in increment 2, testing on virtual device

5) Class diagram for Bank Atm using Creately

6) References