1 Setup FreeBSD 11 VM in Windows 10 with Virtual Box - RussellHaley/coreclr GitHub Wiki

Items required outside of the scope of this document:

  • Your network will require DHCP or you will need to manually configure a static ip address.
  • Putty is not required by highly recommended. Alternatively, you can get a windows installation of ssh here: http://www.mls-software.com/opensshd.html. SSH works as expected, but the shell applications such as cmd and powershell cause things to function a little differently than you would expected

Create New VM Machine -> New - Name: fbsd-11.1 (VirtualBox figures out that it's freebsd. Or you can manually change it.) - Memory Size: 2048MB (2GB+) - Create Virtual Hard Disk Now - selected

Now press the Create button.

Use VDI, and create a disk of at least 40 GB. Change your File Location only if you know what you are doing. Create the VM.

Settings-> System -> Increase processors to 2 Network-> Adapter 2 - Click Enable. - Attached To: Host Only Adapter Storage -> Click on the "CD/DVD Disk" icon (typically third item) in the storage tree. The attributes on the right change to support the selection of a disk. - In the right pane, left click on the disk icon and select "Choose Virtual Optical Disk File" - Select the image. In our case it is FreeBSD-11.1-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso

Press OK and start the virtual machine and you should see a FreeBSD boot loader. The system will then boot and enter the installation. Go through the installation process. Use the defaults for the disk setup. When prompted for packages to install, add src. Set the timezone for you computer and create a new user.

When the installation is complete, select exit and restart. As the system is restarting press RIGHT ctrl to release the input from the VM. If you are fast, you can select the menu Devices->Optical Drive->Remove Disk from Virtual Drive. If you don't think you can do it in time, just stop the VM (File->Close->Power Off) and then perform the same at your leasure.

Restart the VM and login as root and install sudo. The system will prompt you to initialize the pkg system. Say yes.

pkg install sudo

Add % ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL to the sudo file as such[1***][2]:




Now exit root.

Login as your user and install the tools we need. First, test by adding your favorite editor (I use vim-lite, nano or ee are good and easy. ee is already installed.)

sudo pkg install vim-lite

If that succeeds without prompting you for a password, then the sudo updated correctly and you can start installing tools:

sudo pkg install cmake git llvm39 icu libunwind bash python2 krb5

Next Download the latest sources for

mkdir -p ~/Git/dotnet && cd ~/Git/dotnet

git clone https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr git clone https://github.com/dotnet/corefx

[1]visudo is based on vi. If you don't know how to use vi, please go and get a refresher. If you muck your file, then at the very least, do this:


That should back you out of most nasty things you do by accident but you will lose your chanages.

[2]Similarly, you can add your user to the wheel group or sudo group and add yourself to that group.

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