Ripping Characters for skins from RoR2 Post SotV - RuneFox237/RoR2SotVBlenderScripts GitHub Wiki
I'll be going over how I pull the survivor meshes and armatures from RoR2 post SotV update. It's mostly the same as how we did it pre-SotV but the location is different.
You'll need:
- AssetStudio
- Blender
- The two blender version that are known to work currently are blender 2.9X and 3.X, make sure you're using one of these. I personally use 2.93.5.
- .py scripts from here to fix the models/armatures
- (Make sure to use to use the scripts for the version of blender that you have.)
Open Up Asset Studio Navigate to: File->Load File
Note: if you want the textures for the base model you can try and use File->Load Folder but make sure the model you select from there matches the naming convention detailed below or the script may not work correctly.
From here you want to navigate through your RoR2 data directory till we arrive at the bundles. These should be located somewhere like:
"Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64"
find the bundle that is relevant to your survivor, in my example I'll be using Commando. Make sure you pick the bundle that has "bin" in it's name. They should also have "base" or "dlc1" in their name. Don't pick any of the ones with "junk" in the name.
From here check your settings by going to options->export options we want to make sure "all nodes cast to bone" is checked
Select your model. It's usually called something like mdl + character name, though some have different names than their in-game names. Like artificer is called Mage internally. make sure you have the whole model selected.
Then hit Model -> Export Selected Objects(Split)
Save it in a location you can easily access later.
NOTE: Textures are not ripped when using this method.
For ripping textures, see this guide
Importing the model into Blender
Import your model by going to
File -> Import -> fbx - and select the model you exported
go to the Scripting tab in blender and hit new
Paste the code for the relevant skin from above into the scripting tab and hit the play button at the top.
Check the bottom left corner of Blender to see if an error has occurred. If an error has occurred, then even if the model looks fine there may be unseen issues that will only show up later in the process. It is best to double check you have ripped the right model. If you are sure you have the right model and are still getting errors then contact me in the Skin Creation channel of the modding discord.
From here you should be able to add your skin and import into Unity.
i.e. you can follow KEB's video starting from 2:13 in. Make sure to turn on captions.
Note: KEB's video tutorial is rather outdated so some stuff is incorrect now:
- You don't need to copy and paste the assemblies/dlls into the project anymore, KEB notes this in the captions but I'll reiterate it here.
- Check the RenderIndexes in the txt file located in the py folder from earlier, this should have the updated RenderIndexes for most survivors