User Stories - Run5/GoodTrails GitHub Wiki

User Stories

View Trails

  • All users (authenticated or not) should be able to view a home page that lists links to US State that contain collections of trails.
  • All users should be able to click into and view an individual trail page '/state/trail/:id'.
  • Logged-in users should be able to toggle whether they’ve visited a trail or not.
  • Logged-in users should be able to toggle whether they WANT to visit a trail or not.

User Authentication

  • As a non-registered user (ie never signed up), I should be able to navigate to a sign-up page with a form. The form will ask for a username, email, and password.
  • As a non-authenticated (ie logged out) user, I should be able to navigate to a sign-in page to enter my user name and password.
  • As an authenticated user, I should be able to log out and be redirected to the homepage.

Demo User

  • As an unregistered and unauthorized user, I would like an easy-to-find and clear button on both the '/signup' and '/login' pages to allow me to visit the site as a guest without signing up or logging in.
    • When I'm on either the '/signup' or '/login' pages:
      • I can click on a Demo User button to log me in and allow me access as a normal user.
      • So that I can test the site's features and functionality without needing to stop and enter credentials.

My Trails

  • As a registered and authenticated user, I should be able to click My Trails in the navbar and view my collection of trails displayed in a tile format.
  • I should be able to click on links to filter for ‘Visited Trails’ and ‘Want to Visit Trails’, the default view will show all visited and wanted trails.
  • As a registered and authenticated user, I should be able to read, edit and remove trails that I have visited, trails I am interested in visiting, and all trails in my collection of trails.


  • Each individual trail page will display authenticated-user reviews. As an authenticated user, I should be able to leave a text review as well as edit and delete my review.


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