Content BI Events - RumbleInc/Rumble-Android-SDK-Getting-Started GitHub Wiki
ContentBI.sendAdClickedEvent(adRequest, article);
Notifies of an advertisement being clicked.
- adRequest: Object implementing the IAdRequest interface is used to retrieve ad metadata.
- article Object implementing the IArticle interface is used to retrieve basic article metadata.
Notify of action that is considered as 'pageView' by your application logic.
Note: Avoid calling this event when article was done reading by users since 'ArticleRead' is already considered as 'pageView' in 'Rumble Analytics Engine', instead use the proprietary sendArticleReadEvent() method
- Label: Additional labelling information to group 'PageViews' events by.
Notify of an article being bookmarked.
- article Object implementing the IArticle interface is used to retrieve basic article metadata.
ContentBI.sendArticleLikeEvent(article, AppSocialNetworks.Facebook);
Notify of an article got 'Like' on some social network.
- article: Object implementing the IArticle interface is used to retrieve basic article metadata.
- network: relevant social network used for sharing
ContentBI.sendArticleReadEvent(article, 5000);
Notify of an article finished reading. Calling this method should be done on article leave so that engagedTimeMillis parameter holds the time this article was read by the user.
- article Object implementing the IArticle interface is used to retrieve basic article metadata.
- engagedTimeMillis: time elapsed since the reading session started until this event is triggered
ContentBI.sendArticleShareEvent(article, AppSocialNetworks.Twitter);
Notify of an article got shard on some social network.
- article: Object implementing the IArticle interface is used to retrieve basic article metadata.
- network: relevant social network used for sharing
ContentBI.sendCommentsOpenedEvent(article, AppSocialNetworks.Facebook);
Notify of an article being commented by user (for example by using some talk-back/blogging engine)
- article: Object implementing the IArticle interface is used to retrieve basic article metadata.
- network: relevant social network used for sharing
ContentBI.sendVideoStartedEvent(article.getArticleId(), "");
Notify of a video embedded in article being played (for example after got clicked by user)
- articleID: article identifier
- videoUrl: video url
Notifies of an advertisement being clicked.
- articleID: article identifier
- videoUrl: video url
ContentBI.sendSyndicationLinkClickEvent("", "Outbrain");
Notify of a content syndication link got clicked (For example outbrain, taboola or similar content syndication service)
- sourceURL: link url
- sourceName: syndication network name
###Aggregated Advertisement events Approach for logging advertisement oriented events which are not sent immediately to analytic providers but rather accumulated during an entire session until sent (flushed) by calling sendAggregatedAdEvent() method. This approach is taken for reducing network traffic and battery usage due the intensity of advertisement oriented event invocations.
Logging Ad oriented events. This method is part of a 2 phase event submission which ends with calling sendAggregatedAdEvent().
- eventName: should be one of the following list of events supporting accumulation: "AdFailed","AdFilled", "AdRequested", "AdTimeout"
- adRequest: Object implementing the {@link IAdRequest} interface is used to retrieve ad metadata.
- article Object implementing the IArticle interface is used to retrieve basic article metadata.
Sends all events accumulated during session. (for example call this method on app exit) Once called, a new accumulation session starts by calling addAggregatedAdEvent(...)
ContentBI.sendChannelChangedEvent("Latest News","State",false,"/news/latest");
Notify of swiping between channels event
- itemID: article identifier
- channelState: channel state (free text)
- isFromTicker: true/false
- subSectionsPath: flat hierarchy of sub channels
ContentBI.sendChannelChosenEvent("Latest News","State",false,"/news/latest");
Notify of choosing a specific channel on the channels sidebar
- itemID: article identifier
- channelState: channel state (free text)
- isFromTicker: true/false
- subSectionsPath: flat hierarchy of sub channels