treeism - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
treeism is a minor religion on MCAtlas that worships trees in their entirety, including all species of tree. It is a simple and dumbed-down religion, but it has a naturalistic appreciation for the generated world. Here is an excerpt from The Treeism Bible "The Tree Within. In the beginning, there was only darkness. Frome the darkness sprouted the Tree. From the Tree, the branches came forth and populated the sky. From the Tree, the roots burrowed and populated the earth. From the Tree, the sap flowed and formed the rivers and oceans. From the Tree, the leaves fell and created the myriad things. Just as the Tree gave life to you, you must give life to the Tree. it is how things must be. Born of the Tree's lifeblood, you must give your own in return. When the Tree's branches is no longer worshipped the Tree will fall ill. The tree's branches will no longer reach the heavens, and the stars will fall down. The Tree's roots will no longer burrow in the earth, and it will crumble. The tree's sap will no longer flow, and the rivers and oceans will dry up. Do not worship false gods, for the Tree gave you life and can take it away. The Tree is merciful and kind. One who worships false gods shall be forsaken. They will no longer be shielded by the branches, and will be hit by the sun. They will no longer be able to quench their thirst on the sap, and will die of thirst The ground beneath their feet will crumble and their house will fall. The Tree gave you everything, and the Tree can take it away. The Tree is all. Blind is the one who does not see it." -Tree Lord Boyandarrow and Tree-God thattreething