paleles - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
The Beginning
paleles is a player who joined the server on April 21, 2020. Originally starting out a small unclaimed base in Africa, this location was never actually claimed though simply left untouched to the current date. After founding the town "Ziggy Town" (Copy of the name 'Ziggy Town' from 2b2t.) They eventually made way to claim a small island located west from Yunkai_Island, the island located in Indonesia. After establishing this small settlement and removing the ruins of the town that once was, he began to set up his stuff. This was around 1-2 days after joining the server making the creation date April 22-23. of 2020. After joining pogpoggers (orewely)'s nation known as "MingDynasty" he had slowly become a small enemy to many Chinese nations as they strongly disliked orewely and his nation. On this day of creation. On April 22nd another town was created. This town is known as Onor. They were a group of friends who had planned on making a town where PvP was always enabled, and entering onto their land was a strict policy of being KOS'd. The player base didn't like them for numerous reasons, one being the fact that they were quite toxic and rarely had anything too great to say. Along with the constant killing of players who infiltrated their lands. Around this time a group of players assembled together, lead by me. Onor even created a video on the war mainly slandering me with it. To create what would be known as the "Onor War" and or the "Onorian War." the war lasting upwards of a week the true siege began in April 24th, 2020. This attack would leave Onor with very much damage to their structures, and their gear. Even losing some players over the war as they were done with the server. However, it wasn't only just their side that had lost players. The player known as "Demadunk" had decided to join into their town and break an entrance to get them out of hiding. However, this was a mistake that got him banned for 7 days. Along with the threats by Hunter and his army, which mainly just seemed to be empty threats that were never actually met with attacks. Their time lasted for around a month before they were fully burnt out. Eventually quitting for good. This caused paleles to work on more structures and develop his current town to his liking.
As the Onor war was done, the players had been quiet as they rebuilt and continued playing paleles had befriended a player known as kamiheartlemon. This player provided him with many gold locations and spots, some untouched. This sudden spike in resources (gold) in the town bank caused players to get very suspicious. Often accusing paleles of being a player who was permed at the time. "Troncatcomfy" which later was the cause of paleles leaving the nation of MingDynasty, as orewely had been spreading lies about the whole situation. This went on for a long time, even when he had reached 100k. Players would constantly message and accuse him of being Tron. Around the same time he had left the nation of MingDynasty, he was invited to the nation of China. Which he had. The accusations had only gotten worse, even turning into outlaws and threats. However, he didn't really care, as he began to use this as an opportunity to meme. Changing his town name to "Toussaint." and even going as far as taking a bet by the player 'Rimflakes' to change his name to "Troncatconfy". Only making people more angry and suspicious until it was broken by a voice call.
Final days and times
After a while of playing and being in a duo with the player "miko_tw" which had quit quite a few weeks back. He had begun being burnt out, amassing a total gold count of around 250k. This was around the time where he was also kicked from his nation for toxicity which solidified the eventual quitting date. The raid was post poned till around 06-07-2020 as he was banned for writing an offensive book. He withdrawed the entire total of his bank, depositing it into chests and building random strcutures of gold, dropping nemerous items and artifacts from the heights of the tower that still stands in the ruins. Along with the accidental (first death) of his play time by jumping off the tower. The town was finally disbanded and the gold free for taking, along with every resource to his name. Finally taking a trip to Yunkai_Island, as they had helped him on the start. Allowing the leader, ennedecagons to behead him (first and only head) and give it to Crowblers. The end of his time on the server as of now.
Return, and current
The date is 07-17-2020. The account name "Troncatcomfy" has connected and met up with the players GH5T and Demadunk. Which had quite quickly given him a godset, 2 picks, 2 shovels, 2 shulks, an axe and a sword. This gave a very quick start to the server once more. Quickly amassing around 5k on the first day. Being challenged by EATB to obtain 100k in only a week time, he founded the town of 'png' a town in an unmarked territory in Canada, joinin into the nation Columbia. The challenge set by EATB was met in 5 days time. Amassing over 100k in that time frame. EATB however had quit the server and the info was rarely talked about, mainly dismissed. Though this wasn't the end, after setting up more the player GH5T had prescented nemerous illegal pieces of bedrock to the table. This was already something which had to be hidden. Building a vault of bedrock and storing it there only had lasted for around 3-4 days. As the vault was then discovered by Drew and removed, the items seeming to be wiped clean from the chests. Along with barrier blocks and placed bedrock. Illegals had been stashed but all wiped due to a new plugin which would be the end to bedrock.
Around this time was the building of the mega chunk base built at the ruins of png, housing all the loot and items. This base was completed and abandoned all within 2 months. Being left aside due to boredum. Later allowing paleles to join the town of Yamaguchi, after befriending the leader "LilFuxGiven". This had fully destroyed the bordum felt by playing solo, and would be the first town that he joined which was not his own. The current days on the server are simply spent selling items and messing around. Along with raiding.
project blackout.
The current days, September-October have been quite destructive for nemerous towns. A video was posted to youtube by paleles labled as "despawning skasakoontoon". The video had caused many players to be angered, outlawing and or reporting it. Little did everyone know skasakoontoon was not the first town to be looted. (that doesn't make it better, it makes you look actually worse) It was simply the only one documented, now more videos exist and are all marked as public. Allowing full video of the acts to everyone. Many towns and nations have developed a hated for paleles. Mainly the USSR and Korea due to him despawning. The current team behind project blackout will be marked as anonymouse until a later date. However the project has only just started. The main goal is to brute force players into taking procaution when adding players into their towns, and to protect loot more carefully. The videos displaying the raids can be found on this youtube channel.
(Lots was missed on this wiki page though I think I've got the main stuff nailed down. If I had missed anything major contact me at toash#7997 on discord, thanks!)