edgywavyman - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki

Edgywavyman isn't a regular on McAtlas by any means, but he's done quite a bit with his friends before they deserted the place they were staying at. Edgy wasn't active when the small town was deserted, so the next time he logged on, he wasn't gonna have contact with any players for a long time. He then logged on with another friend, and they both agreed to meet up in Russia (or around that area). His friend was all the way in the top right corner of the world, in Siberia. Edgy was just beginning to head out of the small town in northern South America that his friends deserted. He went on boat across the Atlantic where he landed on the coast in eastern Africa just today, where he found a small and supposedly deserted beach house with a strip mine covered by cobblestone on the surface filled to the brim with large veins of iron. He left around 3 signs there, saying stuff like "edgywavyman was here" and "May 15th, 2020" to mark that somebody visited. He then went east along the coast where he found a small supposedly abandoned "town" that he was amazed at. There was a small aquarium in the center of the town that had a hole in it, so he got sand from the coast and patched it up the best he could. He also fixed a mob grinder that had a hole in it. There was also a huge statue that looked beautiful. He left a few signs here too, expressing his sadness that a place as cool as this has fallen into such disrepair. He continued moving east along the coast until he saw a giant ship. It was beautiful, but it was also kind of wrecked in some places. There were also a bunch of chests around, and a few weren't completely looted. They still had useful items, like cobblestone, boats, etc. which the other places Edgy had gone were completely raided. This is where Edgy's journey had ceased for now, when the server's proxy got shut down or something along those lines. He logged back on a while later and this was when he was close to Russia. One town he came across, however, had a resident in it, named xDeadPine. He private messaged her for a while, until continuing his trek. Then, Edgy had finally reached Russia. He set up a strip mine and some furnaces, then he built a house. He was lookin' good for now. A few hours passed, and Edgy was doing very poorly. He had little food, and his beetroot and wheat farms were extremely slow. He was continuously asked to go to peoples' towns/nations and he continued to decline, until one person, xDeadPine (the one he met yesterday) asked him if he wanted to be apart of her nation. He asked where it was and it happened to be in Central Africa, and he was told to tp to Garoua (roughly the same place he met xDeadPine yesterday) and the two of them headed north and came to the Sahara, then they headed south for around 300 blocks and then the town of Yagoua was made. A few more hours passed and Edgy had set up a nice little house that was meant to be a cool place people could go to and be like "Neat, this is Yagoua." It was a spawn building, basically. The next day, May 16th, however, Edgy couldn't pay upkeep and the town was disbanded. He and xDeadPine created the town again (hence the board name "Yagoua is back.") and they set the spawn point right inside of the spawn building after some trial and error with the commands. Edgy began to expand the town, making a house, strip mining for gold, and making a small road (it was more like a path). He then decided to finish the sandstone structure right behind the spawn house and turned it into a farm. This massive farm took a long time to build, since Edgy kept running out of materials (mainly dirt). Whitetiger131 and bobbydobby also decided to pay a visit and it was pretty neat. Bobby put some roman ruins by the road and Whitetiger131 gave Edgy some beetroot seeds to finish the last row of beetroots. It was worth it to build the farm, however, because it outputs a lot of food (there are around 3 to 5 rows of melons, wheat and beetroots). Edgy then began to make a better road, made from cobblestone and stone bricks. He expanded his town boundaries to the roads and the farm. He continued expanding the roads and he claimed the three chunks his house was in. A little while after, mijo6000 offered to DM Edgy all the history of the server and Edgy wanted to put it in a book and sell it, and both would get a cut of the profit. Mijo declined and said they could do it themselves, but Edgy begged him to because the town was almost bankrupt. Then, Mijo came to Yagoua and gave Edgy 4 stacks of gold blocks. Edgy then put a tribute to Mijo in the spawn house. After this happened, a new player by the name of milkshayk3 wanted to check out Yagoua because they didn't have a town yet. Edgy then showed them around, and milkshayk3 said they would think about joining the town. Edgy continued to expand the town and did some trades with a few people. One of these trades was with whitetiger131, Edgy bought some regular books and enchanted books. He enchanted a diamond sword and named it 'Yagoua's Pride'. He has two more friends who will join the server and join the town as well. He also decided to build an "incineration chamber" right next to the spawn house.

Yes I made this in third person because whatever, I like writing "stories" that aren't always in the point of view of the protagonist.