Vod_Krushnov - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Vod Krushnov is a town in Kolyma, East Russia, and is the current capitol of Grand Siberia.
- Location: Kolyma, East Russia
- Population: 8 (August 2021)
- Political system: Serene Republic
- Culture: Krushnovian/Dutch
- Language: Krushnovian
- Ethnicity: Roman-German, Dutch, Native Kolyma
- Anthem: "Boerdiez Twieten, tat Suied ond Sund" (Tweeting birds, how sweet and sound!) Set to the tune of "Pommernlied"
The town was founded pretty much by accident. After Yakutsk was lost when Pastelant died when dropping from a building project, he respawned in Kolyma. Though it was a lucky spawn, as two buildings and a healthy amount of materials were found nearby. He began building a church after a vision of Shrek, and other projects as his Roman-Dutch culture entered the land of the Kolyma. The prospects of the creation of a town seemed far off, until the leader of Petrolopsk, MrBlazey, granted Pastelant enough gold to start a town in May of 2021, which Pastelant did. "Vod" is from the ancient Kolyma language, and means "Dale", and "Krushnov" is from Lake Krushnov, the body of water that the town is situated around and upon. The Krushnovian people never forgot this gesture, even after political concerns during the formation of Grand Siberia.
After this, the town began to expand onto Lake Krushnov and around the River Shrek. With a bank and a complex road system built by the start of June. The nearby town of Hund (Krushnovian: Hunde) was contacted and became a valuable ally and trade became more frequent. Vod Krushnov also opened up to the world for trade more too, as the formation of a proper town removed the risk of griefing.
The Federation of Turkish-Estonia, the first nation that Vod Krushnov was in, was stable until Tilichiki fell into inactivity and collapsed on the 21st of June, 2021. Magadan fell a few days prior when the Turkish leader, DinoDeniz, fled to the Dutch Empire. After this the Dark Age of Siberia began, and only Petrolopsk, Hund and Vod Krushnov remained. Pastelant was given DinoDeniz's remaining treasury and was able to form Grand Siberia, to avoid joining the scary Pan-Asians. Petrolopsk was invited several times, but each time denied. MrBlazey probably sees Vod Krushnov as too small and weak while Pastelant argues that Tilichiki was small and humble, and led Turkish-Estonia with no resistance, so he should lead larger towns also. This has weakened relations, but MrBlazey still is beloved by Krushnovian society. It was in this time to the start of July that the population grew to two members.
MrBlazey's departure from Petrolopsk allowed a lack of competition for Vod Krushnov in July. Expansion slowed as more gold was needed for nation maintenance, but the construction of the Basilica of St Reviewbrah began. This took up most of the resources. It was also at this time that there were more writings in Krushnovian. This era was pretty stagnant, but Vod Krushnov's population grew to four and the town became more established. A railway was also built from Hund, linking the two towns.
On the 21st of July, 2021, New Brittania declared the War of the Picea Ship on Vod Krushnov after Pastelant stole a boat from one of the docks and sailed it up towards Gibraltar and Porto. The boat was returned but New Brittania still attempted to siege the town down. One wall was damaged, but that's about it, and the siege was repelled. The chief, SpoofySharkie, attempted to enforce a surrender -despite Vod Krushnov technically being undamaged and the war being indecisive- and wanted three stacks of diamond blocks, but this was rejected. The Treaty of Alexandria was sent -white peace- but was swiftly declined. It became a cold war of sorts. During this time, the Guate-Krushnov canal and Port Brijetdochtor were built.
After a trap by the Chief of New Brittania on the 2nd of August and an escape of the Serene Doge from the jail, the unarmed leader was prepared to buy half the items back, as long as they were returned first. After some negotiations, better gear for 70 gold was given and an alliance known as the Brittanic-Siberian Entente was formed, and Grand Siberia became a protector. Vod Krushnov was impacted financially because of the reparations and the Basilica's construction was halted.
Geography and Climate
Vod Krushnov is situated in a small valley and the surface of a lake, with some stray parts on the steep hills around. The River Shrek, considered holy by the Shrekist population, flows around it before feeding the Lake Krushnov, which is now almost completely covered by infrastructure. Then the river flows out and continues, flows through the ancient town of Elber, before emptying into the Bering Sea. The lake is heavily polluted, and the water quality has dropped, despite it's holy status. Squid and salmon populations have dropped and continue to do so, and the industry is at risk. However, upstream remains quite clean- for now. The tundra temperature in winter can drop to -10 degrees Celsius or below, and in the Summer rise to 10-12 degrees Celsius. The Northern side of the town is covered with snow, and the Southern side is greener. However, the permafrost means food is mostly grown in hydroponics on the lake's surface. The thick forests allow for a good amount of wood to be harvested, though it is completely spruce. Some of the older trees reach 30 blocks tall and require and good amount of time to harvest. This industry isn't sustainable and a treeless plain is slowly growing out from the town. It is the most Eastern town in the Northern Hemisphere, and is the second most Eastern town in the entirety of McAtlas. There are several islands controlled by Vod Krushnov, all in the River Shrek's archipelago-like area of Stranden- Poempkinnes Island, Fort Shrekezdejl, Kjentbrient Island and Hanz-Joehan Island. Boelbrien Island has been left as a nature reserve. There are also a few independent islands (see Politics).
Government and Politics
Vod Krushnov is a Serene Republic, ruled over by a Serene Duke, or "Serien Doge". There are two other parties: the liberals and the biberals (conservatives), but the biberals are in charge and are the government. The Serene Duke enjoys a good amount of power and can veto at will, but the King has the final say- that is if the hound majesty cares to give a bark or whine of opinion. It is the capitol of Grand Siberia, and also the Royal City of the Dog Monarchy and the Serene Senate (Krushnovian: Serien Senejt). The Senejt is led by the Serien Doge, but is moderated by the Speaker. He makes sure everyone speaks at the right times, and shuts up at the right times too. There are several duchies: Krushnov, the central duchy operated by the Serene Duke himself, Shrekenseidz across the River Shrek operated by Duke JacktheLegend, and Rikretfir operated by Duke Regret_4. The town is on good terms with all the Dutch towns and nations, especially Arbiter404. Though he has publicly criticized the town's architecture to being "rubbish", the alliance goes strong. Pastelant himself also frequents North America and Davisville.
After the War of the Picea Ship, the Brittanic-Siberian Entente was signed, creating a strong protector coaltion.
In Lake Krushnov, there are two independent island microstates- Eisland and Stettiner Island. They are ignored and remain on good terms with the Vod Krushnov population.
Architecture, Culture and the Arts
Vod Krushnov is constantly mocked for it's bleak and utilitarian design, as if built by the Minecraft villagers now captive for trade across the world. Some call it ugly, while others call it miserable or "simple" at best. It's natural beauty is good, but isn't uncommon (Siberia is huge). Some structures, such as the senate, Bank, Old and New church are quite attractive, but the other buildings are simply log and plank huts, making do with the materials of the landscape. A good portion of the town is floating on the lake. The buildings aren't impressive, but the idea of a lake town is, and brings some curiosity. The new museum is considered good, and a new church is being built out of fine Alabaster-White Concrete and Diorite from the Dutch and Americans. At least it keeps to a certain theme.
Culture and nationalism is strong in Vod Krushnov, and the town has an attitude far too big for it's boots. The dog monarchy and large volumes of texts keep this idea afloat. The religion, Shrekism, is prevalent and is the majority religion; and has spread across parts of the world. The language is only the majority in the town: Krushnovian. With Dutch and German influence, the language is a more phonetically consistent English-French creole compared to standard English. With two native speakers, and ten secondary language speakers, it goes strong as the holy language of Shrekism. There is a huge amount of books and signs in it, and it remains very extensive with several thousand words and complex grammar. Vod Krushnov is proud of it;'s literary culture, and has the most non-sale signs of any other town. Unfortunately, the lag this may cause in the future makes their future bleak, and the language is easily lost. There is also a simply national dress, food (bread and potatoes with water) and a way of writing songs with simple symbols. There are also small art projects, paintings of questionable quality, and a curiosity for history. For such a young town, the culture and the arts is strong.
- Serien Doge and Chancellor of Grand Siberia, Pastelant
- Speaker of the Senate, JackTheLegend
- Acting Speaker and Duke of Shrekseidz, Karapuzru