The Signed History of Copenhagen - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
July 6th, 2019
Akselholmsted was about to join the ruinscraft plots as always. but he noticed a new server had appeared, "McAtlas".
He joined and spawned in northern canada, near modern day Labrador after going south to get some wood a long adventure 'cross the atlantic started.
After 2,5 hours, Aksel arrived on the west coast of jutland. after a little walk acros Denmark, he reached modern day copenhagen.
In the chat, Casualgamer487 asked if anyone wanted to help making denmark. Though as soon as he arrived he was killed by a spider, dropping EXACTLY 100 gold. soon after Copenhagen was founded and an hour after it had 4 residents. Aksel now started buildin rundetårn
July 7th, 2019
Wait, where is Casual? Oh damn, he went down and founded his own town, koge. Well at the same day Esbjerg was founded. Also S0meth1ng asked CPH to join the HRE, so we did.
THE HRE ERA Copenhagen is expanding quickly and so is Esbjer
Koge became Stroby but is not expanding. Out of nowhere, Shoxerz started sending AlfredHolmsted threats as they didnt want us to Expand to fyn
F*** Esbjerg now funen has a border dispute
Esbjerg buildt a wall, so so did we. Stroby collapsed so that means we can now expand to southern denmark. but sadly s0meth1ng quit the server leaving the HRE to crumble. Nevertheless, Copenhagen is growing like never before and a tower is now being buildt which later gets renamed to Kattegat Tower.
But this doesnt change the fact that the HRE is dead. but luckily there is another option that austria will help with.
THE EURO ERA Europa! Of course! Things go well, and Esbjerg is hardly staying in front of copenhagen in populat.
A long time passes over the end of june and the towns everywhere get founded and collapse. But then Abraxis left and the king became Vanity. This was very bad, as this idiot changed Europa's name to france the next day. Aksel complained and Vanity being the annoying c**t that she is made Aksel King,
"OoH yOu ThInK iTS sO EaSy tO bE rUleR. HOw AboUt yU tRY iT" The name was changed back to Europa, but Aksel didnt know how to be king, and the nation was dying anyways, so another king had to be found... (7 days later) Screw this, CPH is out of Europa.
THE CONFUSION ERA Okay, luckily switzerland took refugees from Europa in. But this wouldn't last long, as CPH followed in the steps of Vienna and tried to join Bulgaria.
We were kicked a few moments after, & then we joined israel and stayed there for a long time, as we didnt have any better nation to be in.
Screw israel lets go rejoin the EU. we were there for a few days, in which the europath was founded. Also Aksel started talking with Goockshon and Copenhagen became good frineds with N. Bavaria.
At this point, Esbjerg started to become inactive. Then CreateAlex was banned, leaving the EU doomed. Mijo6000 told us to join Egypt and having no other option, we did.
For a very long time copenhagen was a part of egypt and was the only active town in the entire nation. Now, copenhagen finally decided to claim some of skåne, realising noone would make a town there.
But then, miracles were about to happen. CPH joined sweden and soon after Sweden became scandinavia. finally CPH was in a nation where it actually belonged. Paths were buildt between CPH and Stockholm and Copenhagen became much more connected with other nordic towns and by that ending the confusion era.
Copenhagen and Ascension Is. became became friends & Scandinavia then became the Kalmar Union. Things are going better than ever.
September 9th,
AkselHolmsted just came home after visiting some relatives Oh no... OH NO... Scandinavia collapsed, and Copenhagen is now Nation-less. Is this another Confusion Era?
September 14th,
Copenhagen joined Germania and was in a nation again, not only that, but its also ruled by Victim__. Also, apparently inactive towns get deleted after 45 days now, so its a matter of days before fyn and jutland are free once again.
September 15th,
I did the maths, Esbjerg will fall on October 5th. Germania also became Germany and Svendborg Tower is done.
September 26th,
Copenhagen will probably rejoin Europa, as the capital of Germany litteraly has a Hitler Statue, sooo...
September 27th,
THE 2ND EURO ERA Finally we are back in Europa. Also today the Duloc Massacre happened while Aksel and a few ppl from Duloc were having a heated argument. The salt tho. Also The European Ice Highway was getting buildt now
October 6th,
The Alpine Ice Highway tunnel has reached Vienna, the town that Copenhagen has been by since the HRE existed, during good and bad times, an so on those 2 towns will soon be connected by an ice highway.
Also Esbjerg didnt collapse for some unknown reason, hamburg did however.
October 7th,
The ice highway is now fully functional betwee Copenhagen and Vienna, although Neapolis might not be connected for a long time. Also esbjerg is almost gone with 1 resident left.
So, people are starting to leave europa. Again. And Nazi Germany is the largest nation on the server. Aksel was still mad at moustache for spawn killing him so he griefed berlin. And of course Aksel was banned.
when he got back on the server CPH had been KICKED from europa! this is outrageous, we have supported Europa since it appeared the 1st time in august.
Maybe europa is not that good after all. Well, copenhagen kinda allied with ciao from Belgrade against nazi germany. Soon CPH might be making our own nation, a socialist republic of denmark.
October 26th, Copenhagen has joined the New Atlantica Pact as they seem like a peaceful nation/ Diam0ndDrag0n is also back on the server and Copenhagen is fully decorated for Halloween.
October 28th,
Memphis has fallen, and many players have shown up to raid it, including Aksel. We may not know american politics so well but it was the fall of an economical giant. It was dramatical.
October 29th,
Europa has been made. Again. Again. They allied with moustache, unfortunately. We will be staying in NAU for now xD
November 2nd,
Copenhagen has joined the Austrian Empire, and then it became Europa. This is surely the UNITY AGE!
November 7th,
Copenhagen is nationless again, but things are going well nevertheless. We are building a monorail and also the economy got boosted thanks to Loxures (thanks!)
November 19th,
copenhagen is still without a nation but a lot of new buildings have appeared in skåne. Also, after a few days of good relations with Gotheapolis we found out the were a bunch of a**holes with the exception of StalionV, who is pretty nice.
Later that day Aksel died a few times in a trap in N. Bavaria and WakkelPuddi was very nice and tried to help unfortunately it was to no avail... However CPH joined Europa agaim so thats ok.
November 20th,
The Museum has been expanded to include a part about Copenhagen's relations with other towns
3RD EURO ERA --------------- November 23rd,
Today is an important day. We finally removed the wall separatin CPH and Berlin. This is an important step towards peace and securing the future of all of europe. This is something that will be remembere and also written in the greek newspaper, Hellenic Times.
November 24th,
EggzOnToast buildt a channel through the small panhandle CPH gave East Berlin a few days ago and now theres a big harbor there.
Northern Germany is now the main focus of CPH. Peace with Germany is still being discussed. Things are well. Later that day both S0meth1ng & CasualGamer joined. whata day.
November 29th,
Copenhagen has finally joined Yugoslavia.
November 30th,
Yugoslavia has become Eastern Bloc. So... i guess Copenhagen is communist now? That's cool, our former ideas became reality. Also, the NGH is still being developed.
December 1st,
Merry Christmas everyone! So, Eastern Bloc has become Yugoslavi again, and something special has happened today... just north of our noteblock song, a micronation called Ladonia was created by Loxures and SheepOfSteel14.
Currently its just an old tower but we recognize them as a real town and will protect it from any grief that might happen.
December 2nd.
Vienna is gone... Mijo sold it.... After everything that has happened... Luckily CPH had started to cooperate with East Berlin more over the last week or so.
December 3rd,
Oh my... A moment we've been waiting for for almost 5 months now. The whole goal of copenhagen since the HRE era... Esbjerg... Collapsed. They Fucking Collapsed Esbjerg. Is. GOOOOOOONE!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! Although fyn might not be united yet as we dont have enough claims... But who cares? This is the POST-ESBJERG ERA.
December 5th,
Well, i was running out of storage for the billionth time, so i decided to build a storage room.
December 6th,
Yugoslavia has become... erm... Alba-... cough Albania. Fucking Albanian Empire. Well this can only mea- SHQIP
December 7th
Uhh, now it's Scotland? wait, no now its North Sea Empire. Talk about not being able to make a decision... Also, well... err... Now there's nazi stuff in east berlin. I'm honestly not what the hell is going on on this server anymore... s e n d h e l p
December 8th,
okay... Moust has declared that anyone that isnt allied with them is their enemy and their enemies will be completely anihalated. Not that i'm suprised but its still fucking terrifying We will just try our best to remain neutral & hope fo the best..
December 14th,
We have started cooperating with the Faroe Isl. & we might soon make a nation. Also, Christiansborg is now under construction And Copenhagen is also now completely neutral in european politics!
Later That Same Day... We did it! We finally joined Denmark! Like, the NEW Denmark Also N. Bravaria Collapsed and Eggz claimed it. So it's the
--DANISH ERA-- December 15th,
Ålborg collapsed so we joined germany, claimed it, and then left. So Now we have a part of jytland! Shoxerz if you're seeing this, guess you were wrong about all the things you said on the Fyn DMZ!
December 20th,
Copenhagen will be turning half a year soon and we are planning something big... Also, things are actually going great in terms of our relations with Berlin! We might also open a fireworks store after Christmas. We also have our new colony in Ålborg and thats also going great. Everythings going great! Although i've finally accepted that CPH is no longer relevant or big...
December 25th,
Mcatlas has been down for a few days but we're back and thriving . So, time to remove ALL the christmas decoratoins. :/ what... the... FUCK? That huge grief in Berlin apparenl covered a lot of Copenhagen's germany and i almost died there.....
December 26th
Luckily Drew came along and removed it using worldedit. That means he remove all the cobble in the area, including the remaining Berlin Wall. This is going to take some time to remove the mess that was left behind. :/ Cya'll later.
December 29th,
so /t spawn has stopped working... That means the Europath is relevant again! Also we just might create Europa again! The concept of a united and equal Europe will never die. Also I am now building a minigolf course in N. Germany based on different towns. Its going to look amazing!
January 3rd,
Happy new year! Copenhagen has gotten a new spawn area with custom trees and such. Europa is also on the verge of returning! However im kinda sad we will have to leave a fully independent Denmark behind but things change and thats just how it is.
January 5th,
Well, we'll just wait for now. Someone buildt a trading station in Kattegat. And a town in iceland called Noxmourne has collapsed. It's sad considering how few people are willing to make a town there...
January 7th
Copenhagen celebrated its half a year anniversary yesterday, and it was amazing! Denmark has also become Scandinavia. Gibraltar collapsed and a HUUUUUUUGE raid took place there, where we also got some.
January 16th,
Copenhagen's upkeep has been increased to 5.3g per day, the germans blew up the UN building in Saxony and moust has rejected a channel going through jutland.
January 20th,
Copenhagen and Chengdu have finally opened each of their embassies. This is an important step toward peace and prosperity between Europe and Asia.
Febuary 1st,
Not much has happened during January. We merged with SPQR and Doggo left. I am also writing a book about Copenhagens history. the USA became larger than germany.
AGE OF LITTERATURE --------------- Febuary 21st,
I have publised many books! This town is no longer about power, but leaving an impact on this server. Since Schwyz died i have started thinking this town will do the same eventually. But Germany had its last nail in the coffin placed so thats great. The town is now down to 3 citizens , which is sad but we've been worse off before
March 14th,
Denmark irl has been shut down due to the coronavirus, so Copenhagen ofc has as well.
Im not sure what is going to happen next. -=+=-
March 19th,
The HRE is back and so is Vienna!!!
March 24th
We only have 2 citizens left now. Copenhagen might finally be dying out. BUT I AM NOT GOING TO LET THAT HAPPEN!
RENAISSANCE --------------- May 2nd,
I have returned from inactivity due to Copenhagen being days away from dying. though as soon as i rejoined, i was invited to both Eurasia and the German Empire It may not be the same on, but i dont have good history with nations called "German Empire", so i joined Eurasia.
Shortly after, i went on a expedition with the mayor of the town Kalmar Union and may just have returned for good. This will be another chapter of Copenhagens history. August 14th,
No. I keep telling myself i will come back but i never do. But even after so long, Copenhagen still stands. It is still under my management. Not like that matters, i have no power left. Mijo is comayer in CPH now. I did that on July 6th. That almost 2 months ago as of the time writing this. Time passes quickly.
I was over visiting Ink and saw my own grave there. It was strange. It felt weird to stand there, but when it comes to my influence on this server i might as well be dead. Who knows, maybe this will be the last i ever write here. If it is, i hope more than anythin else that one day when Copenhagen is gone, someone will build a town between its ruins. That the town will be preserved. If that happens to be you standin here with a new town over the remains of a once great city. Please, let the old buildings stay. Expand the museum. Expirienc things. Continue our history. Do it. In the spirit of Copenhagen. I will gladly answer any questions. 'Cause this town means a lot to me.
September 9th, 2020 ---------------
Guess who's back Cue the piano A small message on the Ink discord saying "I have decided to continue writing the 2nd part of CPH's history" became the foundation for my sudden return to MCAtlas. Upon coming back literally everything is different. but well, Vienna and cyrenaica are still here.
Copenhagen is in the Soviet Union for some reason, but its not like that matters. Over the next month, i released 3 books about Copenhagens history and have finally have returned for good. But MCAtlas is not the same that it used to be. There is the End now, Schwyz is gone and the ancient Berlin is completely gone. But Copenhagen still stands. After mijo6000 helped me get back on track, Copenhagen is active again.
This, is the AGE OF RETURN ---------------
For the next many months, CPH was on standby. I was a lot more active than earlier, but i just waited for something to