The Grande Époque - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
The Grande Époque was located between Late February 2020 and April 13, 2020. The start of the era is marked by the fall of the German Empire and the end is marked by the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
The Grande Époque was an age in the world where countries felt a period of peace, economic growth, and appreciations of cultural artifacts. During this age a new social class was established in countries such as; Eurasia, Italia, the United States, The Caliphate, and the UAE. This new "social class" were among players who had accumulated large wealth and influence in these different countries. Not only did this improve these countries economies but it brought a new appreciation for Private Collections and Artifacts. These private collections included, Belongings of Older Players from before the German Era, Special items such as; Tridents, Shulkers, etc, Novels and Journals written by authors from across the map, and monuments were erected that celebrated the amount of wealth and success many countries were facing.
Notable Players and Collections
TheTrueMunchkin and the The Great Archives of Ink a Private collection consisting of Maps, Books, Flags, Items, Historical Accounts, etc. He also owns a Player Memorial where multiple influential players own a memoriam with their most beloved items.
k0rnel and the collection of Artifacts in Drewsalem which held many items such as; Flags, Maps, Items of Older Players, The Drewist Bible, etc. The Cathedral of Drewsalem also was among one of many Grande Époque architectural styles (Grand buildings that portrayed wealth with ore blocks, Also consisted but not limited to domes, Archs, Mansard roofs, use of beacons, use of quartz variants, sandstone variants, bricks, Gables, Flying butresses, etc.) k0rnel also built many structures like The Cathedral in Rome, The Colosseum in Rome, Warszawa Palace, and more.