The Faith of The Harpy - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
The Faith of The Harpy is a major religion in MCAtlas. First introduced in The Great City of Meereen in November 2020, The Faith centers itself around honoring and worshipping a Goddess known as The Harpy. She is known by many names, however her notoriety comes from the fact that she defeated all the other Gods and Goddesses in her realm, and claimed sole benevolent Authority. ‘Conqueror of Worlds,’ ‘The Lightning Queen,’ ‘She Who Rules the Heavens,’ all of these are titles that have been given to The Harpy over the millennia. However, She is referred to as The Harpy for the sake of uniformity. The Harpy is a female deity who rules over the domain of the sky, controls the weather, acts as the bridge between life and death by carrying souls to the next world. Not only did she singlehandedly defeat all other Gods and Goddesses, who all corrupted themselves to the core, but she also used her brains, seductive appeal, wit, charm, cunning, and brilliant mind all together. She is also the official MCAtlas Patron Goddess of Kings, Emperors, and Rulers of any kind. The Harpy Guides The Way for her devout. Unlike Islam, Christianity, or Judaism, The Faith of The Harpy does not require a memorization of exact words or phrases, nor does it demand full undeniable belief in The Harpy. Quite the opposite. The Faith of The Harpy encourages debate and discourse, and supports any who seek a little direction and freedom in their lives. The Harpy knows life sucks, God isn't going to answer your prayers, you can answer your prayers but only to an extent. The rest is up to luck and the cold hand of Life. It sucks at times, but get used to it. Don't complain, adapt, ,and focus on succeeding. The Faith of The Harpy is practical and reasonable
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The Gold Grace The smallest but most prestigious of the orders, there is only a single Gold Grace in each city, as they are the priestesses of prophecy. It is not uncommon for The Autarch or other leaders to consult with the Gold Grace before making any major business decisions, and the Harpy's Chosen as a whole will often consult the Gold Grace before going to war.
The Blue Graces Called the Healing Hands of the Harpy by the residents of The Great City of Meereen, the Blue Graces serve much as the Teachers, Medical Workers, and Academics bearing a silver chain-link do in Westeros. The Sapphire Quarters of the Temple of the Graces is a centre of medicine for citizens of The Great City of Meereen, but the Priestesses go out into the city on a weekly basis to serve those unable to make the journey.
The Red Graces The most numerous of the Graces, Red Graces are priestesses of love, fertility, and sex. It is not unheard of for prostitutes and hoes that have gained the favor of a Harpy's Chosen to be taken in by the Red Graces. Red Graces are consulted most commonly by the wives of The Harpy's Chosen who are attempting to conceive, and they sometimes grant private “prayer sessions.”
The White Graces The White Graces are responsible for the day-to-day worship of the Harpy. They hold important positions in all religious festivals, and are often of noble birth, but deemed unsuitable for the pleasure palaces or deem a particular affinity for devotion to The Harpy. They also serve as spiritual diplomats and theologians who spread The Faith of The Harpy to all the world.
The Pink Graces Sometimes known as the Graces of the Graces, the Pink Graces serve to support the other organisations in their order, most prominently through recruitment from the families of The Harpy's Chosen. These families come from all five towns within The Great City of Meereen, being Meereen Capitol, Lagash, Phaeta Voros, Uldum, and Dubai, but also as overseers of the guardsmen dedicated to the protection of the Gold Grace.
The Purple Graces With the exception of the Gold Grace, the Purple Graces are the smallest group of Graces. This is because the Purple Graces are priestesses to the magical realm, the unexplained phenomena that defy The Laws of Physics itself. In practice, they deal with more issues associated with Metaphysics, Individual Spirituality, and appreciation for the unexplainable.
The Green Graces Dedicated to service of The Harpy's Chosen in death as the other Graces are in life, the Green Graces preside over the funeral rites of the nobleborn of the city, marking them with a vertical band of gold dye from hair-line to chin so that The Harpy knows them to be worthy of Her judgement.