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Shrekism (Krushnovian: Shrekizm. Dutch: Shrek Religie) is a popular religion in MCAtlas.
- Followers: 17-20
- Founded: May 2021
- Leader: None
- Town of origin: Vod Krushnov
Origin and History
Shrek has always been a mythological figure, sometimes called "bolotny korol" by the locals in the Kolyma religion for perhaps centuries. But the modern religion was formed around May 2021 when the settler from Rome, Pastelant, had a vision of him telling him to spread the faith.
Shrek is thought to be the omnipotent grand prince of the universe, which he formed when he had some beans and had it expelled from his almighty buttocks. This is supported by how the starry sky looks like it sprinkled over the void. Shrek then formed three realms out of some of the remnants: the Higher, the middle, the Lower. The higher is a great swamp, in which there is constant celebration, games and fun; and the only suffering is suffering that you ask for, in fights between chums. You can only enter this if you truly believe in Shrek. It is forbidden to attempt to depict such a blissful place. The middle is the overworld and nether, and all physical and worldly pains and joys are here. You've been to the overworld and nether so you know what it's like. Shrek created it as a test, to see who is fit for the Higher realm, where you are only met with eternal joy. This is the entire meaning of life. Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
The Lower is the deep pit, Farquaad's (the devil of Shrekism) house of unearthly horrors. This shall not be depicted by Shrekists, but you are allowed to compare it to certain imagery. Scholars are certain it is like the chaotic scenes in Hiernonymous Bosch's paintings, especially the depiction of Hell in his "Garden of Earthly Delights" (a few Dutch followers see him as the first Shrekist, but this isn't universally accepted). Here Farquaad is within unbreakable chains, forged in the singularity of a supermassive black hole. Here you will rot with him in the abyss, many blocks deep. It is faster to climb it than to fall down it, but the climb is eternal.
Shrek defeated Farquaad in a great battle and taught those in places such as Davisville, Magadan, Africa, before leaving the Overworld, seeing his mission complete. However, as the world begins to cascade into sin once now, he appears in vision, telling those about him to spread his word, before he returns once more for the second awakening.
Shrek's love is supposed to be eternal and universal, but he wants the love back. It is possible to get to the Higher and Middle from the Lower with repentance, and be reincarnated to start the journey once more. The Holy See has no true leader apart from Shrek, and the clergy is the followers themselves, who do lay-preaching and live fruitful lives.
The hometown of Shrekism, Vod Krushnov, is considered a holy site- the most religious texts on the matter of Shrekism are located in the old and new churches respectively, though Alexandria has a few texts of their own. The River Shrek -that runs through parts of Kolyma- is considered holy, and it is a great sacrament to bathe in it (though it isn't compulsory, followers seek it out for it's holy waters). Similar to other religions, there is a holy language- Krushnovian. However, in the parts where Shrekism is prevalent, Krushnovian is a common language and is easily understood. Also, the form of Krushnovian used in the earlier texts -such as the bible itself- is much older and is pretty much intelligible for most English speakers.
Shrekism is found in large parts of Davisville, and throughout Europe. But the only nations that accept it is Great Siberia and Alexandria and other Dutch nations. After the fall of Magadan to the lack of Gold, the citizens did flee to Dutch Africa, increasing the numbers there. After the griefing of Dutch Africa, they moved to Alexandria. Within a month or so, the Religion numbers about 15. Though it is minor, it is the main religion of East Russia and parts of South Africa and Egypt and Seoul.