Rules Draft - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
General Rules
Client-Side hacks or cheats will not be permitted. You may use modifications such as Optifine, Badlion, or Litematica which do not provide a significant advantage to gameplay. (Cheats include: Auto-Clickers, X-Ray Texture Packs, and Dupes)
Do not attempt to lag or cause harm to the server.
Players may not abuse glitches or exploits, any glitches or exploits should be reported immediately.
Player Guidelines & Chat Conduct
Please no harassing or bullying other players, if a player asks you to stop doing something (Talking to them, Following them, pestering them, etc) please respect what they've said.
No inappropriate builds, and please keep global chat child-friendly.
Do not advertise other servers or products
Swearing or bypassing the swear filter is not allowed
a) If you wish to censor swears you may use asterisks. This will not be considered bypassing Ex) "S**t, F**k"
b) You may not censor words if they are considered to be racial slurs or discriminatory in nature
Griefing and Theft Rules
- Lava Casts and Cobble Monsters may be used if in building, and if they do not disrupt or annoy other players' buildings.
Griefing is not allowed, this includes wilderness griefing.
a) You may destroy buildings within fallen towns.
b) You may not use lava, fire, blockspam, or explosions when griefing.
c) If a build is seemingly abandoned, has no claims to it, and is not near another claim, you may claim/loot/destroy it.
d) If a build looks like it's part of a nearby Town, don't touch it!
Theft of items
Theft of items is allowed.
a) Players may steal from containers such as: chests, furnaces, dispensers, droppers, hoppers, shulker boxes.
b) Players may not withdraw gold from town or nation banks without the town/nation owners' permission
c) Players may not take items from armour stands, or item frames, as this is considered griefing.
d) Players may only steal from containers if they are able to access the container vie right-clicking. Using hoppers, hopper minecarts, or something similar can be considered griefing or exploitation of a glitch.
Towny Rules
Town/Nation Naming
- Towns can be named anything, but we recommend naming them after real life places. If you go to Chicago, you expect to see Chicago, not EpicBurgerTown.
- Nations must be named after a formerly or currently existing nation, territory, major geographical feature, or large city in real life. You can add titles such as "Empire" to the name.
- Towns and Nation names shouldn't be so similar to another Town or Nation that someone could be confused between them. ("Britain" vs. "GreatBritain")
- A Nation's name must be relevant to the Nation's capital's location.
Claiming Rules
- Odd Town claims, including large unfilled outlines or disconnected singular claims, are discouraged. Staff have the discretion to remove these claims if they are in a high demand area, are unused, or have a poor appearance on the map.
PvP Rules
- If you're not in a PvP enabled area, don't use other methods (lava, making a new claim, etc.) to kill someone.
- Towns must give at least a 15 second warning to nearby users before enabling PvP.
- Killing or attacking anybody without a fair warning of the fight is not allowed. If a Town already has PvP enabled, you are an outlaw in a Town, or you are in the Nether, that is also a fair warning.
- Do not trap a player so that they could never escape by themselves (portal traps, bed traps, etc.).
- If a staff member is performing staff duties, do not attack them.