Portugal - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Portugal is a nation founded on the 19th March by iHave01kb, who remains its leader. The nation has experienced a rapid rise on the server and is currently the largest to be headquartered on the South American continent, incorporating 13 towns and over 50 members. The nation capital is currently Brazil and other major towns in the nation include Nevado, Punta Valdes, Melromarc and MacKenzie. PaulMunday is a co-king in the nation, and handles foreign policy, while Boyandarrow is a lord. Portugal is most noted for having the most allies of any nation on the server, having allied 30 different nations as of 06/03/2020.
How Portugal was formed
Back to march/May 2019 iHave01kb joins Nuremberg with Leosupergame as lonely travelers without knowing they're path. ManFromDelMonte , owner of Nuremberg helped iHave01kb to find his path, soon after he created a house with limited resources of iron and stone. Man didn´t knew but iHave01kb loved to build, so he got surprised when found the house, after building the house iHave01kb wasn´t done , he was looking around the town , seeing what he could do to make it better. He sited an little castle which was claimed to be the previus castle of the town there before Nuremberg, so iHave01kb asked Man if he could build a castle, a better one!, he said yes , so he started working on it for months. Being happy iHave01kb almost finished the outside wall of the castle , but something happened , he got The Flu irl , which made him quit the server for months.
April 2020 , afther almost 1 year , iHave01kb joins back to MCaltas together with Leosupergame with an idea of making theyre own town. iHave wanted to make a town in Portugal , Leo wanted in Brazil , after discussing for 1hr iHave saw the MAP and realized that Spain toke over Portugal, sad and disappointed iHave and Leo started traveling again. Almost 2hr have passed and they wore lost in the jungle , not soon afther they saw the sea , quickly they made a boat and started sailing in the big blue sea. Afther sailing for 30min they arrived at the coast North of Brazil , looting every abandoned town that they saw , afther some time Leo had the idea of making a town in his state , so iHave agreed to, afther some more sailing , looting and salvaging , they arrived at the state of Leo. iHave then creats the town Portugal/Brazil in April 18 2020.
Soon after the town was created in an abandoned town there before , they started mining for gold , iHave mined alot of gold in that time , Leo not so much , he wanted to make a house not mine but iHave said``-If we dont mine , our town falls , if our town falls you won´t have a house´´, so then they both started mining again. Afther 5 hole hrs of playing Leo leaves to sleep , but still iHave keeps playing for the hole nigth being able to acquire 1k gold before Leo came back the other day.
April 19 2020 , iHave joined MCatlas thinking to go mining again so then he could suprise Leo with more land claimed and more power, afther mining for 2hrs iHave remembered that he could vote to get gold or other stuff , so he started voting and....... he got an shulker shell in the first try. Seeing that PaulMunday the only true and helpful friend that I have met and had seen that he was online, without hesitating he contacted I have , iHave was so happy because Paul was in South America as well. I have asked Paul whats was the nation thing and what we could do with it , after some explaining have decides to create the nation which name came to Portugal/Brazil as well , but then he changed it to Portugal, changing the town name to Brazil being the capital´s of Portugal.
So if you came this far you must like to learn the history of nations. In the future I will tell more, for now, it stays like this.
History of Portugal
Portugal was founded on April 19th, 2020. The first town to join the nation was Nevado, with Chiloe and Guyane Francaise following. Portugal benefitted greatly from the decline of New World, the predominant South American power at the time, and was able to exploit the power vacuum on the continent by recruiting many of the new towns created on the continent. The main recruiting competition Portugal faced was Atlantic, the 2nd largest nation at the time which recruited many towns in the east of the continent. The nation peaked at 65 residents in June of 2020. Beginning in June 2020, nation leader iHave01kb began to log on less often and began a protracted period of inactivity, leaving PaulMunday to handle the day to day running of the nation. From this time until October 2020, Portugal entered a slow decline in resident population, eventually falling off the first nation list page and reaching a low of 20 members in early October. Beginning in October, Portugal observed a sudden uptick in members following a recruitment blitz including the towns of Sinaloa, Punta Valdes and PartyCity, reaching peaks of 59 members and a record of 23 towns in the nation by the end of November, the 3rd most town of any nation at the time, and the most outside of Europe. During this period of activity, a Portugese parliament was constructed in the town of Punta Valdes, and a Portugese town acquired land outside of South America for the first time, with Punta Valdes claiming Madeira and Bermuda. For a short period, Portugal became the only nation of the South American continent after the deletion of New World. After plateauing on these numbers for a month, Portugal began to decline in residents again, aside from a large boost of 20 residents from the town of MacKensie in late January. As of mid March, Portugal has 35 members in 16 towns.
Towns in the Nation
Portugal currently has 13 towns, which are:
- Brazil
- Nevado
- Chiloe
- Kristiania
- Nestia
- Wheatville
- Bahia
- Arequipa
- Platano_Power
- Uchiha Town
- Tiradentes
- Melromarc
- Bikini Bottom