Paris - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Paris was a world-class imperial city created by ender_dude at the request of Pumfee on September 7th, 2020. On September 8th, Pumfee was given mayor and proclaimed the French Empire. It was a town of the British Empire. It had been claimed a few times before by different people in the long past, but never to this great of an extent with this many people. Nor had it ever been developed to this extent either. It was the heart of France and formerly an important city in MCAtlas. The official language of most of Paris (legislatively and infrastructure development), was French. Although, in the north, in the Belgian area, Dutch is co-official with French.
Paris was a major city of the Soviet Union before breaking off.
Paris joined the British Empire, with rapidly dwindling of a population.
Paris no longer exists.
Quotes from players
Paris was too great a dream. -Pumfee, Former Mayor, Mayor of Krasnodar
Paris was a mistake lmao -ender_dude, Founder of Paris