Ninjacreeper14 - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
July 2019
First Moments
Ninjacreeper14 joined MCAtlas at its launch. He wandered around the map and then died of hunger. After getting some iron tools and armor, Ninja journeyed to the northern edge of the world and jumped into the void.
Ninja decided to join Coastal_City which was created by ███████. Coastal_City was a community of players living on the southern tip of Greenland. The mines beneath the city had a surprisingly large amount of gold, so Ninja spent the majority of his time getting rich. He also enjoyed breeding turtles in the farm and exploring the Nether. Ninja built an epic base into one of the mountains. After a couple of months Coastal_City fell due to inactivity. The ruins, and what’s left of Ninja’s base, are still present to this day.
August 2019
First Ban Offense
Ninjacreeper14 did not like the “No killing players in the wild” rule. Ninja proceeded to take a lava bucket and go around the server pouring it on unsuspecting players. He would search the dynmap for any player who would be stupid enough to stand outside of their town claim. Ninjacreeper14 even caught Hightech_Caveman while they were AFK in a slime chunk. Ninja poured the lava on Caveman and took all of his god gear and weapons. Enraged by Ninja’s actions, the victims got the attention of the staff team. Ninjacreeper14 was quickly banned for killing in no-pvp zones on August 5th, 2019.
March 2020
On March 26, Ninjacreeper14 founded St_Helena which was named after the real-world location. Existing on an isolated island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, St_Helena began as a mound of sand and dirt. Ninja began by transporting important resources such as one grass block, a sapling, crops, and some sheep he bought from lkslks001.
Later on lkslks001 invited St_Helena to join the Nation of Africa, which Ninjacreeper14 gladly accepted. Ninja went on to meet Benjiii1, rimflakes, JamessV and Pontus. St_Helena continued to prosper as Ninja continued to mine gold, expand the island, and breed his sheep. He would go on to communicate with many other players such as whitetiger131, StarWarsNerd0322, Crowblers, and paleles.
May 2020
Afterwards, dogbat approached Ninja and invited him to join the Atlantic nation. This was very exciting to Ninja as he recognized dogbat from all the weird stuff he has on his creative plot. After taking a tour of all the spawners, Ninja joined the nation. He met other members of the nation such as Bunny_Rabbits, Hypetalk, Diamond_Digger38, BreakFreePersona, and Y0uStillTrying. Ninja would go on to become trusted within the nation after he defended dogbat on the forums.
Conflict with the Africans
On May 25th, Benjiii1 and rimflakes were transporting villagers across the Atlantic Ocean. Ninjacreeper14 noticed this on the dynmap and decided to kill their villager before they could reach Africa. Angry with my attempt to assassinate their brown man, rimflakes traveled to St_Helena to exact revenge. With the help of his epic PVP skills (and a strength potion), Ninja fought rimflakes and caused him to combat log. Later that evening Ninja and rimflakes would have a duel at St_Helena. Due to the lag from the x-ray plugin, Ninja’s game ended up crashing. Ashamed that he logged during a duel, Ninja allowed the army of players to slaughter him as punishment. This death caused the first skull of Ninjacreeper14 to enter the market.
July 2020
MCMMO Achievements
In the beginning of the summer, Ninjacreeper14 decided to fish his MCMMO skill all the way to level 1,000. Ninja would spend three hours per day fishing in his town. He caught many epic things such as prismarine shards, ghast tears, and totems of undying. Ninja also caught some rare tools such as a Mending/Infinity bow and a diamond pickaxe with fortune and silk touch on it. Hungry for more fishing, Ninja joined the official fishing MCMMO party which was created by imnyrsik. The party would fish in one big group because shared EXP leveled up the skill faster. Finally, on July 25th, Ninjacreeper14 caught the raw cod that pushed him past fishing level 1,000. Additionally, Ninja ended up being on the top of the /mctop of Fishing. The MCMMO leaderboards are determined by how early a player joins the server. The earlier you joined, the higher up on the leaderboard your name appears. Since he joined on the day of the server’s launch, Ninja took the top spot on the leaderboard. After completing Fishing, Ninja would go on to max out other important MCMMO skills. Ninja first maxed out Mining and Repair. This would automatically max out the child-skills, Smelting and Salvage. Later on he would reach Excavation 1,000 and Acrobatics 1,000. Ninja is currently focusing his grinding towards the farming skills such as herbalism and woodcutting.
The Plan
On July 29th, hallucinationman created “The Plan.” The purpose of the Plan was to take complete control of the end and limit the amount of players that can reach end cities. This was done to prevent the price of elytras from crashing. Total control of the end was accomplished through many ways. A wall was built around the portal to prevent players from escaping. Then, the end gateway was blocked up and guarded. Members of the plan would patrol the main island and kill any players who entered. Other members would enter the outer-islands, pick a cardinal direction, and find as many elytras as possible. This was very effective as it angered many players and even formed a counter-effort known as “The Anti-Plan.” Every member of the plan experienced a massive return in profit, as expected. On August 24th hallucination retired from the plan and Demadunk became the new leader via majority vote. The Plan would continue to expand their authority and influence. Then, on the 5th of October, Demadunk disbanded The Plan due to lack of interest.
August 2020
Lagging the Server Legally
On August 20, a town known as Alcatraz fell. Alcatraz was a town run by a baritone bot that spent most of its playtime digging and building. After being swiftly banned by Drew for using baritone, the bot’s town was deleted and multiple players showed up to raid it. The town did not have much, only a bunch of double chests filled to the brim with random blocks. With a stroke of genius, Ninjacreeper14 started to break all of the chests. Due to the immense amount of item entities, the TPS crashed as the server began to lag. The TPS dropped to a dreadful 3.5 as everyone who was in the vicinity experienced zero frames per second. Ninja was reported to the staff for intentionally lagging the server. royalkingkb responded to the situation, “we aren't concerned about the performance loss due to items on the ground.” This makes sense as item entities will eventually despawn, so it's not like the lag will last forever. This is quite different from an intentional lag machine doesn't just disappear.
Dogban and Trust in Atlantic
When Ninja initially defended dogbat on the forums, there still hadn’t been enough evidence to prove that mass alting took place. This is the main reason why Ninja defended in favor of Atlantic. On August 28th, new evidence from mijo6000 surfaced of dogbat taking ownership of hotlinecorps’s town with an alternate account. This confused Ninja because the evidence was clear, and no longer thought he could trust dogbat. His doubts were further cemented when other accounts such as Tramposa contacted Ninja about their towns being deleted. The fact that all of these accounts appeared to come back after almost no activity, and the timing of everything, caused Ninja to decide not to support dogbat. Ninja would go on to make this clear in the Atlantic discord. For the next month multiple threads would be created relating to the dogbat situation. New forum accounts would claim that their town deletion was a mistake. Then a massive argument would ensue between MCAtlas players and the Atlantic defenders and would go on for multiple pages. Ninja would not respond on the situation because no matter what either side said, it is very difficult to prove who is using what account. This still makes Ninja very sad as he was excited for the progression of the Atlantic nation. Nevertheless, Ninja plans on leaving the nation, as it is now a mere husk of what it once was.
St_Helena Becoming Rich
As time passed, Ninjacreeper14 started to devote more of his time to mining. Ninja looked up some real-world gold deposits and tested out a few locations until he found one which yielded massive returns. Contrary to the popular mining method of using haste potions, Ninja would only strip mine with one pickaxe, and he would dig five blocks sideways in hopes of exposing more ores. Whenever he dug up two gold deposits a once he would use his super breaker. Ninja would also mine coal and redstone to repair his pickaxe when he could. As of October 17th, St_Helena has 66k gold in the bank!
Ninjacreeper14 Forum Posts Archive
Click here to view every post made by Ninjacreeper14 on the Ruinscraft forums!