Lubricant - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Lubricant, frequently known Liquid, is a town in North America owned by LilFuxGiven (NameMC). LilFuxGiven previously owned another town named Lubricant that has since been renamed Yamaguchi and transferred to BuzzyPencil (NameMC) and renamed to Yamaguchi.
Lubricant Spawn
Lubricant is renowned for its map shop, Anime Zone! (pictured below).
Lubricant at Night
Lubricant on the Dynamic Map
Special Information
Town Location: -10971.5 / 73.5 / -5602.5 The North America Realm
Town Board Message: "Girl Boss Gate Keep Gas Light Gynaecologist"
Gold: 120239
Safe: Yes
Public: Yes
Mobs: No