Italy - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Italy/Italia/Roman Empire (and many other names later on) was a nation created by Malyesa on February 19th, 2020 as an act of treason. It was ruled by Empress Malyesa. Emperor Soverhs and Kaiser Doggerland were the CoKings of the nation. The capital of the nation was Rome for most of its existence. After The Great Betrayal, the nation had many troubles. The nation was CoKing deleted by vampZmainANISA in late April, and it was recreated shortly after. Eventually, power transitioned to Pope k0rnel and the failing nation merged with kamiheartlemon's Eurasia.
After the German Empire fell, many towns joined Italy. Notable ones include Doggerland's Prague and Loxures' Cyrenacia. The nation became the 2nd largest nation behind Poland (Eurasia). At its peak, it renamed to the Roman Empire with the tag SPQR (Senatus Populusque Romanus).
With a staff member as the leader, many tensions arose. The highest tensions were between Atlantic and the Caliphate. Although it was a large nation that had many people joining, it was the most disliked nation on the server at the time.
April 12th Empress Malyesa and Kaiser Doggerland decided they want to merge with the Caliphate, the rival nation of the Roman Empire. Emperor Soverhs, Pope k0rnel, and Dweller ILagWithShaders overthrew the nation by kicking out Rome and Prague. Rome and Prague joined the Caliphate, which caused the nation size to grow to 516 people and rename to the Ottoman Empire. Malyesa is given CoKing role and deletes the empire shortly after she joins it. Rome joins Italy again, and Emperor Soverhs gives his role of King back to Malyesa. After this event, the Roman Empire became the most hated nation on the server.
Late April vampZmainANISA joins the server and CoKing deletes Italy. The nation is recreated the next day by Malyesa. The large towns join, but most smaller towns join Eurasia or Atlantic. Italy's population suffered a heavy loss because of this.
Early - Mid May Empress Malyesa decides to transition power to Pope k0rnel. The nation's new capital becomes Drewsalem and the nation is renamed to the Spanish Empire. The nation keeps the tag of SPQR.
Mid - Late May After realizing the nation is decreasing in size, and with Eurasia growing rapidly, the nation is disbanded and most towns (including Rome, Drewsalem, Monaco Troyes, and Flueelapass) join Eurasia. With a sudden spike in population, Eurasia comfortably sits as the #1 nation.