India - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
India - a nation, created by Calcutta's (later Nagpur's) owner dadduslonglegus.
February: dadduslonglegus created a nation India, whose town Calcutta also becomes a capital of a new nation.
March 21: After Calcutta being only town in India for a long time, a town New_Gelderland, which was the only town of Dutch-East, joined India.
March 22: a town Kalimantan, which is located in Indonesia, joined India. Nazareth also joined India the same day.
March 27: hallucinationman's Nowhere join India.
March 27: New_Gelderland's 2 residents AutoDrop_ and stoereboi (now Yordiboi) created a town Tibet, which joins India.
March 28: Calcutta's trusted resident indy37 creates his own town New_Delhi and also joins India.
March 30: New_Gelderland's trusted resident imnyrsik creates Ademia and join India.
March 31: Votings for a new King of India has started! It is between New_Gelderland's owner Inkannii, current king of India dadduslonglegus and later joined HaiIee, owner of Kalimantan.
April 2: Hainan joins India. India also becomes one of the biggest nation in server.
April 3: The new king of India becomes Inkannii, and HaiIee left Kalimantan and India due to losing a votings, later creating a town Kaktovik in Alaska. After some time, Kalimantan falled.
April 7: dadduslonglegus creates his 3rd town Nagpur and it joins India, also it quickly became one of the biggest city in India by residents.
April 8: New_Gelderland's resident SMILODONE creates Bangalore and also joins India.
April 8: New_Yorkshire joins India.
April 11: QuantumNuclear's town Singapore joins India.
April 13: Inkannii creates a new town Dutch-India (originally named New_Ultrecht) and gives zankerwous 100% ownership of New_Gelderland.
April 20: Jeffabad joins India.
April 20: Due to Caliphate fell, ResourceCenter joins India.
April 22: Damascus joins India, and the nation becomes 4th biggest nation in server, by surpassing Atlantic and Arabia in 1 day.
April 22: New_Delhi is sold by indy37 to Ecuador Empire, the reason was the stress of running the town. New_Delhi is deleted later.
April 22: Olympia (a special town for organizing Indian Olympic games) was created.
April 23: Inkannii renames Dutch-India to New_Culemborg.
April 23: Damascus falls due to private reasons of mayor BlockStar2001. India becomes is 6th biggest nation.
April 24: SMILODONE renames his town Bangalore to Old_Bangalore.
April 25: Inkannii renames his own town again into Cliffside.
April 26: dadduslonglegus returns after an 1 week break.