Idaho - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Idaho is a nation founded on the belief that building and creativity should come first. Also Idaho is funny potato country.
This isn't the state Idaho, it's a nation on McAtlas, unrestrained by real-life territorial boundaries. Towns are welcome to join as long as they are reasonably close and follow the spirit of the nation, which can be summed up with some Idaho Statements:
In Idaho, we try to avoid destruction. Builds can be repurposed, renovated, or moved rather than torn down. Destruction is bad for the soul and hinders growth.
In Idaho, we build with the terrain rather than against it. Light terraforming is okay, but the land is our friend and should be incorporated into our towns.
In Idaho, we build differently. While we appreciate aesthetics, we find that it is more important to build with your heart rather than to fit a mold. Minecraft gives one the freedom to build anything, so we should be building more freely.
With these statements in mind, we hope to encourage a nation of unorthodox towns, building in ways never seen before on McAtlas or even beyond. Come to us for potatoes or a place to create originally.
Towns include Preston, Hupperdook, The_Commonwealth, Norfolk, Zaqistan, BeanLand, the capital Yardsale, Tyrone, and canader.
Update: Nation is mostly inactive now, town of Tyrone is now the nation of Alaskan Kekistan, nation was renamed to "Aindaho" to better represent its purpose on the server.