Grand Siberia - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Grand Siberia (Krushnovian: Krande Seibirie) is a nation located in Kolyma, East Russia.
- Population: 8 (August 2021)
- Capital: Vod Krushnov
- Other towns: New Magadan
- Political system: Federal Constitutional Monarchy
- Ethnicity/Nationality Origin: Dutch, native Kolyma, Roman-German
- Culture: Krushnovian
- Religion: Shrekism
- Date of founding: 21/06/21
- Anthem: "Boerdiez Twieten, tat Suied ond Sund" (Tweeting birds, how sweet and sound!) Set to the tune of "Wenn in Stiller Stunde" by Adolph Pompe
- Allied with: North America, German Empire, Dutch Empire, Byzantine Empire, Georgian Empire
- National Weapon (Currently lost): "Shrekez Smeitstreng on Woarz Woanen" (Diamond Sword with Unbreaking III, Fire Aspect II, Knockback I, Sweeping Edge III, Bane of the Arthropods IV)
After the fall of Turkish-Estonia on the 21st of June, 2021, Vod Krushnov was left without a nation. With great charity, DinoDeniz gave his remaining treasury of c.1400 gold to Pastelant, that quickly founded Kolyma -later renamed New Magadan, and eventually Grand Siberia. On the 26th, he crowned King Knugen the first king of Grand Siberia, and the government was formed.
Throughout July, the government has financial problems; due to the absences of the Chancellor and Serene Doge of the Capitol, Pastelant. However, this later stabilized by the middle of the month. The population grew to five. When Pastelant sailed out a boat from the docks of New Brittania, war was declared on the nation. The boat was returned, but a siege was still attempted. Thankfully, it was repelled. The chief of New Brittania attempted to enforce surrender -despite the war being decisive- and wanted three stacks of diamond, but this was rejected. The Treaty of Alexandria was sent, but was swiftly declined. All in both towns were outlawed, and it became a Cold War. During the following days, the Guate-Krushnov canal and Port Brijetdochtor were constructed. The national sword, pickaxe and armor were also stolen from a chest.
On the 2nd of August, the Chancellor Pastelant was tricked and sent to jail, where he escaped. After losing his items, he called the chief to diplomatically return his items with promise of giving half the treasury after the some negotiations. They both settled on the armor being given back in return for half the treasury as mentioned (70 gold). The items given were not original, but were seen as better by the Serene Doge and he signed an alliance deal and to become a protectorate of New Brittania. The war of the spruce boat was over, and the nation was slightly defeated but now part of the Brittanic-Siberian Entente and was now stronger in terms of armor and weapons. A blessing in disguise.
On the 7th, DinoDeniz founded New Magadan, and joined Grand Siberia to bring it up yo two towns. In the meantime, Pastelant was deployed in Nordica to defend Leningrad from Pledgor the Usurper- who was attempting to plot siege the unclaimed parts.
The nation is a constitutional monarchy, with a Serene Senate (Krushnovian: Serien Senejt) and a King that is the head of state and can veto things in the senate (unfortunately, dogs don't know how to say anything, but can show approval and disapproval) as long as it abides by the constitution.
The constitution is long and very unspecific, much like many religious texts, and the Doge and Speaker have to ponder and debate whether or not e.g. "making chopsticks no longer a special skill" abides by "Thou shalt respecte all hobbies that abyde withine the lawe". The Serene Doge leads the senate, however, and currently can veto anything except the King's decisions. He, and the rest of the senate, is moderated by the Speaker, who makes sure everything says things at the right times and the right way and make sure everyone shuts up at times, too.
Within the senate, are the Margraviates, Counts, Dukes, Barons, Lesser Doges, Mayors, Princes across the realm. Fortunately, there aren't many people in it yet, so the Doge enjoys a good amount of power.