Crimea - Ruinscraft/mcatlas-history GitHub Wiki
Part 1: General Summary
Part 2: Detailed History
Part 3: Conclusion and Resources
Insert future video link
Part 1: General Summary
Crimea has been inhabited in McAtlas by 5 distinct ethnic groups and 6 religions, as well as 10+ governments. It’s history starts as early as the second day McAtlas was opened, founded by various ancient players, and raided by Sycthians. After that many Turkic people settled there, and eventually a crusade was led that pushed many Muslim Turks out of Crimea, and replaced them with Russian Pagans. It’s recent history is characterized by a revival of both Muslim and Christian works of art, language, literature, history, and architecture by Arbiter404. It continues to change and develop to this day.
Part 2: Detailed History
- Ancient Crimea
- Bronze Age Crimea
- Golden Age Crimea
- Crusader Crimea
- Revival Age
- Genoan Crimea
1. Ancient Crimea (July-August 2019)
The dawn of Crimea according to the Wayback Machine (, started on the second day of McAtlas, July 2nd. Physical artifacts of this race of Ancient Crimeans stands today at the “Signs” monument. Someone had fortified the shore with wood, left stone brick pillars, and added signs left to the future owners. This has been hypothesized as “the X man”. The X man from this point on is refereed as the first and original builder in Crimea. He made the first city, Sevestapol, on that day of July 2nd. There is no official author of the signs, but everyone I interviewed who ever lived in Crimea said the signs have always been there, and predates them. Even the mayor of Samsun, who joined in August 2019, says that even he knew that those signs were there before him. The X man has two major contributions, the signs, and the Road System. Though today it’s made of sandstone and stone brick slabs, it was made of stone slabs and stone brick slabs up until March 2021, when Arbiter404 ripped it up and changed it to sandstone. The style is the same, and most of the original blocks are untouched, but it has been altered indefinitely to fit the towns current architectural style. The Signs also mention the road system as he takes credit for this. This is the only link to the creator of the roads that we know, so we attribute it to him. Although this time period is short, it is the least documented and least well known era of Crimea. Archeological digs in the “Center Pit”, have yielded no artifacts, but have shown proof of man made tunnels, mines, and blank signs holding back water elevators. This concludes this era. New findings will be in Bold and edited to be out below this.
<Insert signs photos, replacement flag of Ancient Crimea>
Part 2: Bronze Age (September 2019-October 2019)
This era of the late beginnings of McAtlas was a confusing one. Most evidence of the Scythians are secondhand accounts, but better supported than the claims in Ancient Crimea. After the mysterious disappearance of the X man and Sevestapol in late August 2019, a tribe of new players known as the “Scythians”, were a town less group who lived in the Wilderness of Crimea. A nomadic group, they lived in the tundra of Russia originaly according to one of their leaders, and lived there for a month. They raped the land of all trees and coal, and after a month, they left to new lands. They were more like raiders than conquers. But the fact that they never claimed it with a town, proved to be a great thing for archeology, as they buried chests deep underground to avoid raiders. Two of these have been recovered since, and shows their level of technology. They mostly had wooden and stone tools, with a iron sword and leather gear. They left no above ground buildings, and the only artifact that was named was a block of wood named “Scythian carved doll”, found under a tree in the very high north of Crimea. We can only imagine what it would look like. In conclusion, the Bronze Age has a unsavory nickname of the “Ass Blaster Age”, due to the amount of TNT strip mining and removal of almost all native Crimean trees. To this day, this still effects the landscape and the economy. Only one flag was recovered from them as well, in the first chest discovered.
<Insert photos of artifacts, chests, and flags>
Part 3: Golden Age Crimea(December 2019-May 2020)
During late November to early December, some central Asian Turks from the failing states of Amu Darya came and pushed out the Scythians by actually using town claims to remove them. The Scythians retaliated by embedding netherack in the fields of north Crimea, and lighting them on fire. MazCash, an early Turkish settler, said that they “lit up Crimea like a 4th of July fireworks display, and left entirely”. (While the history of Central Asia is intertwined with Crimea, I will not be stating it in this place, only relevant data and context will be here). While the first Amu Daryans arrived due to the “Daryan collapse”, the area was soon claim blocked by the same entity that drove them from their homelands back in Amu Darya, the Mongol Empire. Lead by Demandaquand, the empire of 80-120 people stretched from Odessa, Ukraine to Guanxhou, Southeastern China. The Mongols ruled Crimea as a director annexed territory until February 2020, when the empire collapsed and was split amongst his sons. His second oldest, Diamanmente, got the Golden Horde. The Golden Horde, unlike the mongols, payed attention to its European holdings. While it’s Capitol was in present day Kransdosar (Owned by Pumfee), was Sarai, the library of Itch-Pasar (Where all legal documents were held), was in Crimea. Crimea was a town at the time under Arbiter404, the son of Diamanmente. The first time Crimea had been poured into was during the Golden Horde. Out of the 11 buildings (as of May 2021), 3 of them were built during this time. But not all great things last. In early April of 2021, dismanmente was logged out for 45 days, and leadership of the Golden Horde auto fell to Arbiter404. Crimea then became the De-Facto Capitol. With a nation of 53 people, and a 70k G treasury, it was set to be great. Until a thief stole all the gold overnight, prompting the nation to auto disband the next day due to daily taxes. The immediate fracture caused shockwaves, as it was immediate and unexpected. Half of Russian cities became independent and all of the caucus joined the Central Asian Union. The 4 towns in and around Crimea and Ukraine formed a short lived rump state nation of the “Crimean Khanate”. It died in less that a week due to money issues. With the empire gone, and the Second Russian Empire gobbling up the Central Asian Union, the city of Crimea, now a city state of the First Crimean Khanate, joined Boo-Mac’s Caliphate/Ottoman Empire. This granted protection until April 2020, when that empire fractured and left the First Crimean Khanate all alone. This is a bittersweet age, as it lasted almost half a year, but was intertwined with regret and betrayal. The lat month in May was stressful. Rome was raided and this caused a lot of its members who were the last thread that held Crimea up with gold donations to stop as they had to rebuild. This was the final straw and the increasing debt and looming invaders from the north
Crusader Crimea (June 2020-December 2020)
After the loss of its protector, the ottomans, The First Crimean Khanate lost all hope. (While a detailed account of the battle is in the you to be video posted above, it will not be posted here for sake of brevity, watch it if you wish to know more about the battle itself). In June, someone from Kestograd (pre Kyiv) hired the Christian Order of the Brown Knights to lead a PvP crusade against the First Crimea Khanate. A one life pvp battle, where the winner deleted the others town. Long story short, on June 27th, the battle commenced, (Known publicly as the “Siege of Sevestapol”, by the Muslim Turk defenders as the “Battle of the Iron Hearts”, and as the “Water and Sand Siege” by the Christian Order of the Brown Knights). This ended the khanate and many fled to Turkey as a result, to escape religious persecution. While Kestograd was pagan and not Christian, the Order strictly stated that all would convert, or be kicked from the new town that was “The State of Crimea”. It was like the Spanish Inquisition and preached anti-Zionist and anti-Muslim propaganda. A relic of this age of Christian domination is the “Communizms” statue built by Kestograd and the Order together as a tribute to their fallen soldiers during the battle. The Turks never got a monument themselves, obviously. However despite the removal of all literature that wasn’t Christian, and the utter mass demolition of nearly 70 percent of all buildings in crimea, they build the St. George’s Cathedral, which still stands today. Their legacy ironically, is one if removing past legacies. They committed mass grief and removal of many historical Muslim mosques and architecture, and replaced it with Diorite-Spruce Russian architecture. The Crusader Crimea Age is the darkest of them all. And while you may think that it could have been prevented from “not enabling pvp”, Kestograd claim blocked and forced the First Crimean Khanate into submission by constant pvp if they walked outside. Staff did not see any of this as violation of their rules and/or policies, so they let this harassment slide for well over a month until the siege. In conclusion, it is a dark time historically on all fronts, wether it be morally, religiously, architecturally, and even economically. The lack of Crimean wool affected all of McAtlas, and allowed Mereen to become the main supplier, something that Crimea hasn’t, and probably won’t ever regain.
Revival Age (January 2021-March 2021)
After the leader of the Order of the Brown Knights of Sevestapol publicly apologized to Arbiter 404 in early January, he deleted the Crusader state, which In August, had become not a crusader state, but a functioning town in Eurasia called “Crimeaville”. By November, Crimea was a 4 man city, and eventually lead to him going to Arbiter404 for final goodbyes. After hearing this, Arbiter404 finally realized that he was free, not forced anymore to be a puppet in Constantinople forced to follow Christianity, but a free Muslim man, he manifested destiny and made a claim bridge worth 2k G, nearly bankrupting him entirely. He ever sully stabilized and the former town residents of Crimeaville joined the new city of the Second Crimean Khanate, getting up to 23 people in it. Despite 75% of the population being Christian, it was a Muslim ruled dictatorship. Unlike the last Khanate, this was not a Hereditary Monarchy, but a Military Dictatorship. Most of the former Turkic Muslims were now Christian Turks, and the rest were Foreign Russian Christians. This alienated him and made the January-February period hard. Despite support from Muslim Bosnia headed by Tkalash, who donated Materiels for the conversion of the St. George Cathedral into the Al-Allah Grand Mosque, he did not gain the support of his people. In March, they revolted. They demanded a Democratic or some form of constitutional monarchy, and that the State Religion be switched back to Catholic Christianity. The Muslim 25% minority who held all governmental potions, said they would mutiny if he decided to go Christian. Both sides did not accept a Secular government, and would not compromise. Heartbroken that his former land was irreversibly changed forever, and that he could never bring back the glory days of the First Crimean Khanate, he decided to give in and become Christian. His population went down to 15 people overnight, more than expected. Some of the Christians thought he was weak by giving in to majority rule, and despite bending to his will, said he lacked leadership qualities. This began the new Genoan Government headed by Weejit.
Genoan Crimea (Late March 2021- Current)
Weejit saved the day by offering a new government that Stalone could help. It would be a Semi-Constituonal Theocracy. The Al-Alah Grand Mosque was made back into the Christian St. George Cathedral, a massive Parliment Building was constructed by Arbiter404. While no money was give , many of the Crimean residents saw and respected Weejit as a core community member of McAtlas. So he endorsed Arbiter404, leading to a return of 2 residents, making it 17 in late March. But Weejit returned to inactivity, and his promise of “constant care” was seen by the people as the final blow tot he new regime. On May 2nd, a mass exodus was had. They claimed the new semi-democratic system was already corrupt with Sugar-Cocaine and corruption. Robbie, the top Landlord, went out to the people as they left and “violently shit at them”. This worsened the situation and he was demoted for this as well, but the last nail in the coffin was sealed long ago, and the dirt began to fill up the hole. Today, the population is 6 people, and there is no hope for devils, but a new wall project, spurred by the Melon-Punpkin war has given resolve to Arbiter 404 to build defenses, and he is determined to defend Crimea, even if he’s the last man there. Fridge, a new hires Landlord, who is a 2b2t veteran, plans to be semi-active and help with this project.
#Part 3: Conclusions and Resources
Conckusion and Resources updated later. It’s 1:31 am on a Tuesday night, I’ll finish this later, I’m sleep deprived lol